Michael Mancini
Michael Mancini, M.D., portrayed by Thomas Calabro, is a fictional character from the 1990s prime time drama ''Melrose Place'' and the 2009 series revival of the same name.Presented originally as an honest and devoted husband with a career driven mind-set, Michael became a very different character over the course of the series, turning into a notorious womanizer and schemer.
Michael Mancini is notable for being the only character who was present for the original show's entire run. Provided by Wikipedia
2by Akash K. Kaushik, Ali Shojaie, Katrin Panzitt, Rajni Sonavane, Harene Venghatakrishnan, Mohan Manikkam, Alexander Zaslavsky, Vasanta Putluri, Vihas T. Vasu, Yiqing Zhang, Ayesha S. Khan, Stacy Lloyd, Adam T. Szafran, Subhamoy Dasgupta, David A. Bader, Fabio Stossi, Hangwen Li, Susmita Samanta, Xuhong Cao, Efrosini Tsouko, Shixia Huang, Daniel E. Frigo, Lawrence Chan, Dean P. Edwards, Benny A. Kaipparettu, Nicholas Mitsiades, Nancy L. Weigel, Michael Mancini, Sean E. McGuire, Rohit Mehra, Michael M. Ittmann, Arul M. Chinnaiyan, Nagireddy Putluri, Ganesh S. Palapattu, George Michailidis, Arun SreekumarGet full text
Published 2016-05-01