<p>The world is witnessing ever fastest growing pandemic with high morbidity and mortality that excessive volume of airline travels spread influenza infection ; so physicians with various specialties should know and consider the impact of current pandemic on their daily practice. Among influen...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Authors: Allahyar Golabchi, Nizal Sarrafzadegan
Format: Article
Published: Vesnu Publications 2010-12-01
Series:ARYA Atherosclerosis
Online Access:http://arya.mui.ac.ir/index.php/arya/article/view/220
Summary:<p>The world is witnessing ever fastest growing pandemic with high morbidity and mortality that excessive volume of airline travels spread influenza infection ; so physicians with various specialties should know and consider the impact of current pandemic on their daily practice. Among influenza A viruses that infect humans, an influenza A virus emerged that had shifted to H1N1. Primarily, the results of pandemic of H1N1 were in younger humans without preexisting immunity. Attack rates of <a href="http://www.sciencedirect.com/science?_ob=ArticleURL&amp;_udi=B75J9-4YDSNYG-K&amp;_user=1403370&amp;_coverDate=03%2F31%2F2010&amp;_alid=1221982144&amp;_rdoc=22&amp;_fmt=high&amp;_orig=search&amp;_cdi=13145&amp;_sort=r&amp;_docanchor=&amp;view=c&amp;_ct=15448&amp;_acct=C000052608&amp;_version=1&amp;_urlVersion=0&amp;_userid=1403370&amp;md5=f39a746dbd1f89cb970d19e986f0e632#hit2"></a>swine influenza are relatively high but mortality is relatively low and mortality&nbsp; rate is highest in the very young, the very old, and the immunosuppressed. In this new pandemic, there is not more evidence of the interface of H1N1 with chronic diseases; however, we expect that the Swine flu such as the previous influenza pandemics can change the course of many chronic diseases.</p><p>In this review, we want to show the impacts of swine flu on cardiovascular system and diseaes. We will also discuss the importance of vaccination in chronic cardiovascular disease.</p>