
旅居者在進入新文化社會時,往往面臨著跨文化適應的議題。而社群媒體的出現與滲透,也改變著旅居者流動於原文化與主文化之間的樣貌。本研究透過深度訪談探究背負著特殊脈絡的馬來西亞僑生,在進入台灣社會過程中所歷經的文化衝擊與跨文化適應歷程,並以新傳播科技臉書社群平台的角度切入,分析線上管道對馬來西亞僑生的疑慮消除及雙邊文化連結的影響,試圖描繪出臉書在旅台馬來西亞僑生跨文化適應經驗中所扮演的功能與角色。 研究發現,多數馬來西亞僑生在來台前透過人際與媒體管道的接觸而對台灣有著美好的印象,因此進入台灣社會即面臨著種種的文化衝擊,其中包含:生活、語言溝通、學業、人際關係、意識型態...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Authors: 黃玉蘭, Huang, Yu Lan
Published: 國立政治大學
Online Access:http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/cdrfb3/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&i=sid=%22G0103464053%22.
Summary:旅居者在進入新文化社會時,往往面臨著跨文化適應的議題。而社群媒體的出現與滲透,也改變著旅居者流動於原文化與主文化之間的樣貌。本研究透過深度訪談探究背負著特殊脈絡的馬來西亞僑生,在進入台灣社會過程中所歷經的文化衝擊與跨文化適應歷程,並以新傳播科技臉書社群平台的角度切入,分析線上管道對馬來西亞僑生的疑慮消除及雙邊文化連結的影響,試圖描繪出臉書在旅台馬來西亞僑生跨文化適應經驗中所扮演的功能與角色。 研究發現,多數馬來西亞僑生在來台前透過人際與媒體管道的接觸而對台灣有著美好的印象,因此進入台灣社會即面臨著種種的文化衝擊,其中包含:生活、語言溝通、學業、人際關係、意識型態與價值觀等五個方面的適應問題。其跨文化適應歷程呈現壓力-調適-成長的螺旋上升模式。在旅居新文化社會台灣的初期,由於擁有較劇烈的衝擊,因此會在臉書採取主動、被動與互動的疑慮消除策略兼用的方式適應台灣,有助於初期龐大壓力的調解;而隨著時間的積累,雖然他們仍會面臨新議題事件的碰撞,但由於日常人際網絡日趨穩固以及跨文化經驗的提升,因此轉向被動策略的臉書使用。 整體來說,臉書為馬來西亞僑生在台灣的跨文化生活所提供的助益包括:資訊獲取與整合、情感支持、維繫關係與發展關係。在旅居初期如同橋樑一般,提供馬來西亞僑生在台灣社會中凝聚與跨越雙邊文化網絡的管道,讓流動於不同脈絡的他們,可以同時發揮不同連結人際網絡的潛力,將衝突化為成長的奠基,從而達到更好的跨文化適應階段,並在成長過後,更加自如地運用臉書作為生活的調味料,點綴其旅居生涯,成為更深層的跨文化能動者。 === Sojourners often come across the issue of cultural adaptation when they step into a new social environment. However, the presence of social media and its penetration change the way sojourners shift between host and ethnic culture. This study is about the cultural adaptation of Overseas Malaysian Chinese students in Taiwan’s social environment, through the social media platform, Facebook. This research analyzes in which way Facebook affects uncertainty reduction and bilateral culture context of the students, therefore demonstrating the functions and the role of Facebook in the cross-cultural adaptation of Overseas Malaysian Chinese students in Taiwan. The study is done through in-depth interviews with the students. This research shows that before most Overseas Malaysian Chinese students arrive, they have a remarkable impression of Taiwan. All these made up through social and media exposure of the country. It is also the reason they encounter culture shock upon their arrival, adaptation problems include living, communication, academic, social relationships, personal ideology and values. The stress – adaptation – growth model shows a rising spiral pattern during the period of adaptation. Due to severe culture shock during the early stage of the sojourners’ arrival, they tend to actively, passively and interactively utilize uncertainty reduction strategies to adapt Taiwan, it is effective to accommodate the high level of stress faced by them. In time, although they would still bump into new issues, they could passively make use of Facebook because they have stronger social networks and more cross-cultural experiences. To conclude, the benefits of Facebook toward Overseas Malaysian Chinese students in Taiwan include, gathering and compiling information, emotional support, sustaining and developing relationships. In the early stage, Facebook acts as a connecting bridge, providing a channel that bonds and breaches bilateral culture contexts, at the same time unleashing the potential their social relations among different ties. Eventually this will improve the cross-cultural adaptation process as conflicts are transformed into a foundation for growth. Subsequently after the growth, they are more casually utilizing Facebook being a condiment in their lives, to enhance the living in the country, as well as being an experienced cross-cultural agent.