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Main Author: 張麗娟
Published: 國立政治大學
Online Access:http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/cdrfb3/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&i=sid=%22G91NCCU2552012%22.
Summary:核心能力是競爭力的來源,美國企業專家研究發現有些新崛起的公司,其成功因素是靠組織核心能力的,而組織的核心能力依靠的是員工核心能力之整合。近年來,核心能力之概念在國內廣泛受到重視,學者認為人力資源管理制度,有助於員工能力的取得、提升與維護。在人力資源專業人員的角色與能力日益受到重視之際,應重新定位本身角色、加速轉型,協助組織建構具有競爭優勢的組織核心能力外,更不能疏於建立自己的核心能力。因此本研究擬從臺北市政府人事人員核心能力來進行探討,希望找出臺北市政府人事人員應扮演的角色與關鍵核心能力,以作為機關任用、陞遷、考績、薪酬、培訓等之參據,並藉以提升人事人員執行職務的品質與效能。 本論文分三部分,第一部分為理論基礎探討,旨在探析此一能力運動管理思潮下「核心能力」的意涵、能力模式之概念、建構方法、以核心能力為基礎的人力資源發展理論、人力資源管理專業工作者的能力模式。第二部分為相關文獻之檢視,探討國外政府及國內企業建立核心能力之經驗,並能期刊論文與碩博士論文與本研究有關的文獻進行探討。第三部分則以臺北市政府人力資源管理現況-從訓練的角度來探討,透過問卷調查及深度訪談,深入了解問題癥結所在,從而提出具體可行建議。 經由本研究發現,臺北市政府高階、中階、基層人事人員所應扮演的角色與應具備的核心能力各有不同;各層級人事人員本身所具有之核心能力亦有許多不足;不同背景因素下之人事人員,對核心能力重要性之看法與本身所具有核心能力的程度亦有顯著差異。根據文獻探討及研究發現,本研究提出以下建議,作為人事人員提升核心能力之參考:一、對人事人員之建議:1、確認應扮演的角色與應具備之核心能力2、人事人員應積極改變思維、蛻變角色、提升核心能力。二、對人事部門之建議:1、將研究結果作為甄選與培訓員工之參考2、應建立核心能力觀念,具體擬定組織及員工的核心能力3、參考國外經驗作為我國發展核心能力之參考4、應強化人事人員規劃培訓計畫的能力5、應重視高階主管人員之培訓6、應建立以核心能力為基礎的訓練發展。三、對中央主管機關的建議:鬆綁人事政策與法規。 === Core competence is the key element of competitiveness in modem business. American business experts discovered, based on their study, that the success of those relatively young companies lies in their core competence, while the organizational core competence is the integration of all employee's core competence. Recently the idea of core competence was also emphasized in Taiwan. Experts believe that a sound human resource management can proved helpfUl in acquiring, maintaining or even enhancing the employee's capabilities. As people attach more and more importance on the role as well as the capability of the human resource personnel, the personnel should not only re-position their roles in the company but also help the company to build up organizational core competences which sustain competitive advantages. In the meantime, the personnel should also keep building up their own core competence. The study takes the core competence of the Taipei City Government personnel officials as the case to investigate the roles as well as their core competence. Hopefully the results can be used as the reference for organizations in cases like recruitment, promotion, evaluation, pay issues, and training. The study consists of three parts. The first part is the basis of the theory which discusses the followings. 1. The meaning of core competence under the wave of capability management. 2. The idea of capability mode. 3. The theory of human resource development based on core competence. 4. The capability mode of human resource professionals. The second part is the study of related literature which discusses the experiences of both foreign governments and local business in building their core competence based on periodicals and thesis and other related literature. The third part discusses the status quo of human resources management of Taipei City Government from the view of training. Through questionnaires and in-depth interviews the researcher gets a deep insight on the problem and provides concrete and viable suggestions. The study shows that the roles those Taipei Government personnel officials play and the core competence they should possess are different respectively. Insufficient core competence was also found in personnel officials of different levels. Moreover, there is also a significant difference among personnel officials of different backgrounds with regard to their views of core competence and (level) of the core competence they possess. According to the literature and the finding of the study, here are some suggestions for personnel officials to improve their core competence. For personnel officials: 1. Make sure the role they should play and the core competence they should possess. 2. Change their ways of thinking and improve the core competence For the department of personnel: 1. Take the result as the reference for recruiting and training employees. 2. Establish the idea of core competence and state specifically the core competence for both the employees and company. 3. Take the experience from foreign countries as the reference for developing Taiwan's core competence. 4. Strengthen personnel officials' abilities of designing training programs on improving core competence. 5. Provide further training program for the senior executives. 6. Develop training program for improving the staffs core competence. For the central government: Deregulation of personnel policies and regulations.