Summary: | 碩士 === 國立高雄第一科技大學 === 會計資訊系碩士班 === 106 === In order to make favorable investment decisions, investors always trying to capture the trading of capital market and following it since the capital market was created. The public opinion on social media was regarded as important opinion to make investment decisions besides financial statements and stock price in recent years.However, because of information explosion, investors spent too much time for collecting, sorting and analyzing information of mutual funds. Therefore, how to offer useful decisions to investors making decisions quickly and correctly is one of important evelopment trading in the era of big data.
The main purpose of this research is to conduct investment forecasting mechanism of mutual fund to support investors make investment decisions and increasing profit.This objective is achieved by following: (i)designs the mutual fund investment prediction process based on public opinion analytics in social media, (ii)develop the techniques involved in mutual fund investment prediction based on public opinion analytics in social media, (iii)demonstrates the effectiveness of the proposed approach.