Influencing Factors of Mobile Learning Interactive Behavior: Moderated Mediating Effect

Using interactive behavior to improve the efficiency of mobile learning is an important measure. This research uses structural equation model to construct a mediator model that regulates mobile learning interactive behavior, and investigates the influencing factors and mechanism of mobile learning i...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Authors: Huang, J. (Author), Li, H. (Author)
Format: Article
Published: International Journal of Information and Education Technology 2022
Online Access:View Fulltext in Publisher
Summary:Using interactive behavior to improve the efficiency of mobile learning is an important measure. This research uses structural equation model to construct a mediator model that regulates mobile learning interactive behavior, and investigates the influencing factors and mechanism of mobile learning interactive learning behavior. The results of a questionnaire survey conducted on a sample of 418 undergraduate students revealed that platform functionality, self-efficacy, teacher supervision, perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, and interactive attitude have a significant positive effect on interactive behavior; perceived ease of use influenced interaction attitude through the employment of perceived usefulness as a mediator, which in turn influenced interaction behavior; the process of perceived ease of use impacting interaction attitude is heavily influenced by teacher supervision. Therefore, mobile learning implementers can promote the interactive behavior of mobile learners by improving the ease of use and usefulness of the mobile learning platform, strengthening the role of teachers in the process of mobile learning, and creating a good mobile learning atmosphere. © 2022 by the authors.
ISBN:20103689 (ISSN)
ISSN:20103689 (ISSN)