Summary: | The objective of this study is to find out the quality level of entrepreneurship development of the students and graduates in Vocational High School (VHS). Methodologically, this study used ServQual (service quality) with 701 respondents from seven districts with cluster sampling method. There are five instruments and dimensions in this study which are physical/tangible feature, reliability, responsiveness, credibility, and empathy. The whole data analyzed statistically by descriptive statistic and comparative analysis. The finding of this result is there is a significant difference between the respondents' reality and expectation. It turned out with the average value of respondents' expectations of the 5 (five) dimensions of entrepreneurship service quality in which it is much higher than the average value of reality/perception. Therefore, it is concluded that the level of entrepreneurship service quality is not sufficient. From the five service dimensions, tangible and interest-responsiveness got the lowest assessment. The implication of the results is that it needs reinforcement for the five dimensions of the entrepreneurship development service in order to attain competitive-graduates. Moreover, the applying of ServQual model needs to be expanded in education and entrepreneurship services. © 2022 Sukardi et al.