Summary: | With the occurrence of Internet of Things (IoT) era, the proliferation of sensors coupled with the increasing usage of wireless spectrums especially the ISM band makes it difficult to deploy real-life IoT. Currently, the cognitive radio technology enables sensors transmit data packets over the licensed spectrum bands as well as the free ISM bands. The dynamic spectrum access technology enables secondary users (SUs) access wireless channel bands that are originally licensed to primary users. Due to the high dynamic of spectrum availability, it is challenging to design an efficient routing approach for SUs in cognitive sensor networks. We estimate the spectrum availability and spectrum quality from the view of both the global statistical spectrum usage and the local instant spectrum status, and then introduce novel routing metrics to consider the estimation. In our novel routing metrics, one retransmission is allowed to restrict the number of rerouting and then increase the routing performance. Then, the related two routing algorithms according to the proposed routing metrics are designed. Finally, our routing algorithms in extensive simulations are implemented to evaluate the routing performance, and we find that the proposed algorithms achieve a significant performance improvement compared with the reference algorithm.