Producerea şi utilizarea biocombustibililor în baza alcoolilor monoatomici

The aim of the research is comprehensive and efficient valorization of biomass energy potential by developing the technology and technical means of production and use of biofuels based on monatomic alcohols. The accomplishment of this purpose required to achieve the following objectives: analysis of...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Valerian CEREMPEI
Format: Article
Published: Moldova State Agrarian University 2016-12-01
Series:Stiinta Agricola
Online Access:
Summary:The aim of the research is comprehensive and efficient valorization of biomass energy potential by developing the technology and technical means of production and use of biofuels based on monatomic alcohols. The accomplishment of this purpose required to achieve the following objectives: analysis of the current state; development of technology and technical means for sweet sorghum harvest and processing; technical-experimental argumentation of eco-gasoline composition; researching the quality of developed technical means and engines fuelled with biofuels; estimating the economic effects and development of practical recommendations. As a result of performed investigations there were obtained monatomic alcohols mixtures (ethanol, butanol) with gasoline of low octane number, which insure technical, economic, ecologic and social efficiency of their production and use. Rezumat. Scopul cercetării este valorificarea complexă şi eficientă a potenţialului energetic provenit din biomasă prin elaborarea tehnologiei şi mijloacelor tehnice de producere şi utilizare a biocombustibililor în baza alcoolilor monoatomici. Realizarea scopului propus a necesitat soluţionarea următoarelor obiective: analiza stadiului actual, elaborarea tehnologiei şi mijloacelor tehnice pentru recoltarea şi procesarea sorgului zaharat; argumentarea tehnico-experimentală a compoziţiei ecobenzinelor; cercetarea calităţii mijloacelor tehnice elaborate şi a motoarelor alimentate cu biocombustibili; estimarea efectelor economice şi elaborarea recomandărilor practice. Drept rezultat al lucrărilor efectuate sunt obţinute amestecuri ale alcoolilor monoatomici (etanolului, butanolului) cu benzina cu cifra octanică redusă, care asigură eficienţa tehnico-economică, ecologică şi socială în producţia şi utilizarea lor.