Summary: | This study examines the efficacy of governance after the adoption of e-governance among Jordanian governmental organisations. E-government refers
to Information and Communication Technology mechanisms which purportedly lead a better governance. Internal end-user satisfaction is one measure
of the efficacy of internal e-governance. End-user satisfaction comprises content, accuracy, format, ease of use and timeliness. Different from existing
academic research, the present study analyses the adoption of E-government among Jordanian governmental organisations. This topic has not previously
been examined.A survey of at eight Jordanian governmental entities at the officers and directors level is employed as the data collection tool.T-test and
non-parametric Wilcoxon-test are used to examine a cross section of data from eight Jordanian governmental entities to test the research hypotheses.
The present study finds that there is a statistical difference of end-user satisfaction after E-government adoption in terms of content; accuracy; format;
ease of use and timeliness. The paper makes a significant contribution by testing the improvements in governance after the adoption of E-government
among Jordanian governmental entities. Furthermore, the paper enhances the understanding of Jordan’s E-government program..