Summary: | Moldavia, by its location at the contact between temperate-continental climate and that with excessive influences, is characterized by extreme weather events. Such weather's manifestations during of warm period of the year drive at generate of storms, which allow the hail's formation. Based on this study, for the studied area, of importance is the western air mass movements (47.1%), followed by those from northwestern (13.4%). Also, very important are the south air-mass movements (10.8%), all of these in the cyclonic pattern. So, the higher dimensions of the hail (15 to 30 mm in diameter) were recorded on western or northwestern air-mass movements. Also, in these types of air-mass movements can be distinguished the higher speed of the convective clouds, speeds what can reach even 60 to 80 km/h especially at the contact areas between mountains and low lands from surroundings. At the regional level, regarding suppress hail falls, is operative Hail Suppress Unit "Moldova 1" Iasi. This program has proven its efficiency for the protected area of Cotnari (Iasi County), respectively, that of Husi (Vaslui County). Therefore, for Cotnari Protected Area as a result of the hail falls from June 23rd, 2017, the active operations into the atmosphere have proven themselves efficiency. As a result, after a few minutes from the cloud's entrance into the active intervention area, the seeding of the convective cells with the anti-hail rockets' aid, the dimensions of the hail have descended very much in the high reflectivity area of the convective cells. In the future, it's desired to spread this program at the regional and national level and continuing of the researchers in this field to proves the utility of this program and, eventually, enacting other hail suppress technologies, such aviation or ground-based seeding methods. The last process is ideal for rain' augmentation from orographic clouds.