Summary: | Spinach is one the most nutritious leafy vegetable. Only 22 calories per 100 grams, a high amount of protein, carbohydrate and fat make it very suitable ingredient in reduction diets. For a wealth of minerals and vitamins in addition it has an extraordinary nutritional value. 100 g contains two-thirds of its daily requirement of vitamin A, virtually the entire daily need for folic acid, half the dose of vitamin C, almost a quarter of the daily needs of more than a quarter of the needs of iron and magnesium.
According to some studies, it is a good remedy for cancer prevention. In spinach are found in high concentrations of carotenoids, which protect cells from destruction, and so help to antiaging. Lutein-carotenoided pigment, an adequate supply may delay the emergence of degenerative diseases of the retina of the eye. In the framework of monitoring, we have focused on the analysis of the levels of lead and mercury in 7 samples of spinach from the commercial network of the Slovak republic. The lead content in all samples was 0.00, mercury content was in the range of 0.0019 – 0.0054 From the point of view of the sanitary evaluation of the HPQ for the content of lead and Hg was not exceeded in either sample.