Summary: | In this paper the detailed structure of the transport beam line design is
proposed, quadrupoles and deflectors specifications in order to transport the
beam from the optic adaptation point in the SPIRAL2 production building up to
the adaptation point in the DESIR hall. All optical elements, in beam line,
are electrostatic and so, settings are independent of the ratio q/m of the
particle. The calculations are done by COSY INFINITY computer code in first
order of approximation and without fringe field effects. The beam emittances
at the starting point (adaptation point in the SPIRAL2 production building)
in horizontal and vertical planes are 80p mm mrad. The beam line is designed
in such a way that the beam sizes, in both planes, at the end (adaptation
point in the DESIR hall) are kept the same as they are at the starting point;
the horizontal and vertical displacements from the optic axis at starting and
ending points are the same, ±6 mm. In such case the efficiency of transport
of the beam is high. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br.