Summary: | One hundred one cases of urban cutaneous leishmaniasis from Mashad and Teh ran were placed under treatment with either one or two sim ultaneous standa rd doses of cycloguanil parnoate. Out of 101 patients, 96 were followed until the 120th day; 31 (31 per cent ) recovered with in 60 days, ?3 ('3 per cent) recovered utter between 60 and I70 days, and 42 (42 per cent) did not respond. A higher recovery rate was o bserved in subjects who received two simultaneous doses of the drug (38 per cent cithin 60 days), Recovery ra te was also higher in the patients from Tehran who were children aged 7 to 12 yea rs, However, our results indicate that Carnolar is less effective than pentavalent an imonial (Glucantime). The side-effects of the drug were tenderness (83 per cent), induration (27 per cent) fever (6 per cent) and abscess (2 per cent). No changes in complete blood count were observed. The incidence of adverse drug reactions was higher when two simultaneous doses were given.