Development of Pisa 2015 Based Chemical Literacy Assessment Instrument For High School Students

This study aims to develop valid and reliable chemical literacy assessment instruments based on PISA 2015. The development procedures carried out were 1) research and information collecting, 2) planning, 3) development preliminary form of product, 4) preliminary field testing, and 5) main product re...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Authors: Fika Aning Tiara, Oktavia Sulistina
Format: Article
Published: Universitas Negeri Malang 2021-06-01
Series:J-PEK (Jurnal Pembelajaran Kimia)
Online Access:
Summary:This study aims to develop valid and reliable chemical literacy assessment instruments based on PISA 2015. The development procedures carried out were 1) research and information collecting, 2) planning, 3) development preliminary form of product, 4) preliminary field testing, and 5) main product revision. Instrument of development result was validated(content validity and empirical validity). Content validity assessment data was obtained from the validity test results from two chemistry lecturers. Empirical validity test data were acquired from68 grade XI students as test subjects who came from five high schools in Malang. An empirical validity test was used to obtain the level of validity, reliability, discrimination index, difficulty level, and effectiveness of distractors of the items developed in the instrument. The instrument of development results consisted of 20 multiple choice items and 4 attitude questionnaires. The results of the content validity test indicated a valid instrument (the average score for the aspects of substance, construction, and language was 83.9). The results of the empirical validity test showed that multiple-choice items had a correlation value of 0.37-0.77, categorized as valid, and the reliability value was 0.86, classified as highly reliable. The discrimination index obtained was five items ranked as sufficiently good and 15 items categorized as good, while five items classified as easy item, 14 moderate items, and one difficult item, all distractors were functioning. The empirical validity test results in the form of an attitude questionnaire showed a correlation value of 0.65-0.69, so they were valid, and the reliability value was 0.59, classified as quite high criteria. Instrument development results proved to be valid and reliable, so it is feasible to be used to measure students' chemical literacy skills. 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