Summary:- Henri J.M. Claessen, Ross H. Cordy, A study of prehistoric social change: The development of complex societies in the Hawaiian Islands, New York: Academic Press, 1981, 274 pp., Maps, ills., index, Appendices. - Th. van den End, C. Guillot, L’affaire Sadrach. Un essai de christianisation à Java au XIXe siècle. Editions de la Maison des Sciences de l’Homme, Paris 1981.374 pp. Etudes insulindiennes/Archipel 4. - Renée Hagesteijn, A. Milner, Kerajaan: Malay political culture on the eve of colonial rule. The Association for Asian Studies, Monograph no. XL, University of Arizona Press, Tucson, 1982. - P. van Hees, Emile Henssen, Gerretson en Indië. Bouma’s Boekhuis/Wolters Noordhoff, Groningen 1983. 231 blz. + los register. - M. Hekker, H.D. Kubitschek, Geschichte Indonesiens. Vom Altertum bis zur Gegenwart, Akademie Verlag, Berlin, 1981. xiii + 266 pp., I. Wessel (eds.) - Huynh Kim Khánh, W.R. Smyses, The independent Vietnamese: Vietnamese communism between Russia and China, Athens, Ohio: Ohio University Center for International Studies, Southeast Asia Program, 1980, 143 pages, bibliography. - Saskia Keller, Sandra Hira, Van Priary tot en met De Kom. De geschiedenis van het verzet in Suriname, 1630-1940, Rotterdam: Uitgeverij Futile, 1982. - Gerrit J. Knaap, R.Z. Leirissa, Maluku Tengah di masa lampau. Gambaran sekilas lewat arsip abad sembilan belas, Penerbitan Sumber-Sumber Sejarah no. 13, Arsip Nasional Republik Indonesia, Jakarta 1982. XIV + 218 pp., Z.J. Manusama, A.B. Lapian (eds.) - S. Kooijman, Tibor Bodrogi, Stammeskunst, Vol I, Australien, Ozeanien, Afrika, ed. by Tibor Bodrogi, 306 pp., 396 photographs (16 coloured), 13 sketch maps. Vol. II. Amerika, Asien, ed. by Tibor Bodrogi and Lajos Boglár, 274 pp., 238 photographs (16 coloured), 8 sketch maps. German translation of Tözsi Müvészet, Budapest, Corvina Kiadó, 1982., Lajos Boglár (eds.) - H.M.J. Maier, R.G. Tol, Raja Ali Haji Ibn Ahmad, The Precious Gift (Tuhfat al-Nafis). An annotated translation by Virginia Matheson & Barbara Watson Andaya. Kuala Lumpur: Oxford University Press 1982, XIV + 476 pp., maps, ills. - Gerard A. Nagelkerke, J.A. de Moor, Indisch Militair Tijdschrift (1870-1942): A selective and annotated bibliography. The Hague: Sectie Militaire Geschiedenis van de Landmachtstaf; Leiden: Centre for the History of European Expansion. 1983. XIV + 237 pp. - Gert J. Oostindie, Albert Helman, De foltering van Eldorado. Een ecologische geschiedenis van de vijf Guyana’s. ‘s-Gravenhage, Nijgh & Van Ditmar, 1983. 495 pp. - Gerard Persoon, G. Adrian Horridge, 1) The Prahu, traditional sailing boat of Indonesia, Oxford, O.U.P.,1981. xv + 106 pp.'2) The lashed-lug boat of the Eastern Archipelagoes, Maritime Monographs and reports no. 54, National Maritime Museum, London, 1982, 75 pp. - Harry A. Poeze, H. Coerts, De A.R.P. en Nieuw-Guinea, Historische analyse van een partijcrisis. Franeker: Wever, 1983, 104 blz. - S.O. Robson, John U. Wolff, Communicative codes in central Java, Data Paper Number 116, Southeast Asia program, Department of Asian studies, Cornell University, Ithaca N.Y., June 1982. X + 188 pp., Soepomo Poedjosoedarmo (eds.) - Jerome Rousseau, Harmut K. Hildebrand, Die Wildbeutergruppen Borneos. Müncher Ethnologische Abhandlungen, no. 2. München: Minerva Publikation, 1982. xxvii + 374 pp., 11 maps, 2 tables, bibliography, English summary - T.B. Simatupang, Jan Bank, Katholieken en de Indonesische Revolutie, Baarn: Ambo, 1983, 576 pp. - H. Steinhauer, Richard McGinn, Outline of Rejang syntax, NUSA Linguistic studies of Indonesian and other languages in Indonesia 14, Jakarta 1982, xvi + 76 pp. - Heather Sutherland, Yeo Kim Wah, The politics of decentralization. Colonial controversy in Malaya 1920-1929; Oxford University Press/Institute of Southeast Asian studies, Kuala Lumpur, 1982, xiv, 395 pp., map and photographs. - Rudolf van Zantwijk, Jerome A. Offner, Law and politics in Aztec Texcoco, Cambridge Latin American studies nr. 44, Cambridge Univesity Press, Cambridge, London, New York, New Rochelle, Melbourne, Sydney, 1983.