Summary:Within the SEASTAR project at RIKEN-RIBF, 66Cr and 70,72Fe have been produced via protonknockout reactions, and their first excited 2+ and 4+ states have been discovered. The combination of the liquid-hydrogen target and TPC system MINOS has been used in combination with the DALI2 detector array for the first time. A 345 MeV/u 238U beam with a mean intensity of about 12 pnA impinged on a Be target. Fission fragments were separated and identified using the BigRIPS spectrograph, and reaction products were analyzed using the ZeroDegree spectrograph. A plateau of excitation energies, with a small change in the systematic trends past N = 44, reveals an extension of the N = 40 region of collectivity toward N = 50. Hence, the isotopes of interest are located within the N = 40 island of inversion. An interpretation of the observed trends is offered through large scale shell model calculations.