Skaitmeninimo stebėsenos sistemos koncepcinis modelis: Lietuvos patirtis

Siekiant padidinti skaitmeninimo veiklų valdymo efektyvumą, Lietuvos kultūros paveldo skaitmeninimo, skaitmeninio turinio saugojimo ir prieigos strategijoje (2009–2013) buvo numatyta sukurti kultūros paveldo skaitmeninimo stebėsenos sistemą ir nuolat vykdyti Lietuvos kultūros paveldo skaitmeninio s...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Authors: Regina Varnienė-Janssen, Jonas Juškys, Neringa Račkauskaitė
Format: Article
Published: Vilnius University Press 2013-01-01
Series:Informacijos Mokslai
Online Access:
Summary:Siekiant padidinti skaitmeninimo veiklų valdymo efektyvumą, Lietuvos kultūros paveldo skaitmeninimo, skaitmeninio turinio saugojimo ir prieigos strategijoje (2009–2013) buvo numatyta sukurti kultūros paveldo skaitmeninimo stebėsenos sistemą ir nuolat vykdyti Lietuvos kultūros paveldo skaitmeninio stebėseną bei vertinimą. Straipsnyje supažindinama su skaitmeninimo stebėsenos sistemos koncepciniu modeliu, grindžiamu pagrindiniais sistemų teorijos principais bei sisteminiu požiūriu paremta vertinimo teorija. Koncepcinis modelis integruoja skaitmeninimo stebėsenos sistemos apibrėžties ir jos paskirties aprašymą, modelio kūrimo principus ir metodologiją, stebėsenos rodiklių pasirinkimą bei jų aprobavimo rezultatus. Pagrindiniai žodžiai: koncepcinis modelis, metodologija, stebėsenos rodikliai, skaitmeninimas, skaitmeninimo stebėsenos sistema. A conceptual model of the digitization monitoring system: the Lithuanian experience Regina Varnienė-Janssen, Jonas Juškys, Neringa Račkauskaitė Summary The article presents a conceptual model for a digi­tization monitoring system, which will be used as the basis for implementing a digitization monitor­ing system in Lithuania. The conceptual model, which is based on the systems theory and evalu­ation theory principles, involves the description of the digitization monitoring system and its scope, principles for the creation of the model, and the choice of the monitoring indicators and their ap­probation results. The key factor influencing the creation of such a system is digitization performed by numerous independent institutions subordinate to different ministries. The creation of a system for monitoring the digitization of cultural heritage objects aims at preventing the duplication of digitization activities, ensuring an effective use of technical equipment and software for performing the digitization of cul­tural heritage objects, applying the best practice of coordinated digitization activities and appropriate standards and formats, as well as a convenient and prompt access to information and statistical data on the results of the activities being performed. The digitization monitoring system is created in line with recommendations of the Feasibility Study for the Creation of a Digitization Monitoring Sys­tem, prepared on demand of the Martynas Mažvydas National Library of Lithuania, and requirements of the Specification for the Creation of Software for a Digitization Monitoring System in which, as one of its main requirements, was the creation of a manual of digitization monitoring. The article builds on the above-mentioned feasibility study. The rationale for the creation of a digitization monitoring system conforms with this system’s the­ory principles which require that the modelling of a system activities should involve an analysis of the input, process, and output, as well as feedback evalu­ation. The conceptual model of digitization monitor­ing is based on the following principles: • the system’s activity is shaped and organized by a holistic evaluation of the existing ap­proaches to the creation of such systems; real­ization that a system aggregates multiple ele­ments (interacting institutions and their units) which interact among themselves and with the environment; and abstraction of all elements and their interactions and merging them into a conceptual model. • indicators within a digitization monitoring system are determined through defining the existing state and problems of digitization ac­tivities, investigating the monitoring demands and requirements for such systems, and evalu­ating the conceptual model of this system, based on the results of a discussion. • The main criteria for selecting the indicators of digitization monitoring are clarity, rel­evance, efficiency, and possibility to monitor. A conceptual model based on the holistic appro­ach allows designing a system able to monitor digiti­zation activity results, standards and formats of me­tadata and access, identification and distribution of tasks, and tracking implementation of goals. It also enables institutions performing digitization activities to acquire information on digitization initiatives and current and (or) intended projects, on resources held by other institutions and the characteristics of these resources, on trainings, conferences or other events related to digitization that are on the agenda, also, it enables to successfully monitor and keep under re­view the realization of initiatives, programmes, and strategies, to facilitate a quality evaluation and per­formance improvement, to assess the risks, to im­prove supervision activities, efficiency, and manage­ment processes, to prepare accounts, to substantiate resources and expenses, to increase performance im­pact, and to monitor digitization initiatives as well as current and (or) intended projects.  