Summary: | Introduction: The morphological mensurative data of the portal venous system is important, as regards portal hypertension and surgical aspects related to portocaval anatomosis. Aims and Objectives: The study under consideration was under taken to determine the actual percentage incidence of major variations occurring in the disposition of the portal vein (PV) and its tributaries. The basis of major variations has different reasons such as genetic, metabolic, hemodynamic factors depending on the type of variations. Materials and Methods: This study was conducted on 30 adult human cadavers by dissection method. The abdomen was opened by standard cruciform incision, and the region of PV was cleaned and observations were made and recorded. Result: The PV had normal standard pattern in 30% cases and the rest 70% showed variations in one or the other form. The splenic vein was variant in 76.6% cases. The superior mesenteric vein showed variation in 73.3% cases. The mode of termination of the inferior mesenteric vein was variable in 60% of cases. Conclusion: The incidence of variations in the portal venous system can be of prime surgical and radiological importance for portocaval anastomosis and to study hemodynamic flow radiologically.