Summary: | Roosting flocks of Mynas have adapted their behavior to live in urban areas of Thailand. Sometimes, they disturb
people in their working and living environments which has created the need to develop a method of population control in the
roosting areas. Bioacoustics repellent are non-lethal methods that have been selected to repel Myna birds in roosting sites.
Distress, alarm, and pre-flight calls of Myna birds were tested on high, middle, and unharmful levels, respectively. The distress
calls made birds fly from the roosting trees more quickly than alarm calls or pre-flight calls (P=0.01). Acoustic Myna calls
( AMC) that were combinations of distress and pre-flight calls were tested to prove the efficiency of distress calls. Each
combination was not different in the bird repellent effect (P= 0.14). The results indicated success in the use of distress calls to
repel Myna birds from roosting sites.