
步行者在都市環境之移動與空間選擇行為,是規劃者長久以來在進行都市空間規劃與分析之重要課題。其中,對步行者行為的了解,更是進行都市空間分析的重要課題。一般來說,步行者的活動行為與空間選擇,會受環境資訊與過去空間經驗等認知之影響,步行者在複雜的都市空間中活動時,如何在環境中進行空間選擇?在空間選擇時,步行者對空間之認知狀況,又會對其空間選擇產生什麼影響?則是一個有趣的課題。 然而,過去探討步行者空間選擇之相關研究,極少全面探討空間認知對個體空間選擇產生之影響,故本研究之目的,在探索步行者空間認知結果,如何影響其對空間選擇意願。本研究以台北市西門徒步區為例,將步行者之空間選擇分為活動點選擇、找路判斷...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Authors: 董娟鳴, Tung, Chuan Ming
Published: 國立政治大學
Online Access:http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/cdrfb3/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&i=sid=%22G0088257502%22.
Summary:步行者在都市環境之移動與空間選擇行為,是規劃者長久以來在進行都市空間規劃與分析之重要課題。其中,對步行者行為的了解,更是進行都市空間分析的重要課題。一般來說,步行者的活動行為與空間選擇,會受環境資訊與過去空間經驗等認知之影響,步行者在複雜的都市空間中活動時,如何在環境中進行空間選擇?在空間選擇時,步行者對空間之認知狀況,又會對其空間選擇產生什麼影響?則是一個有趣的課題。 然而,過去探討步行者空間選擇之相關研究,極少全面探討空間認知對個體空間選擇產生之影響,故本研究之目的,在探索步行者空間認知結果,如何影響其對空間選擇意願。本研究以台北市西門徒步區為例,將步行者之空間選擇分為活動點選擇、找路判斷與路徑選擇三部份,分別運用理論歸納、訪談與探索性因素分析(EFA),建立步行者空間選擇影響因素後,再運用結構方程模式(SEM),探討步行者對空間選擇影響因素及影響關係,將步行者“空間認知”對其空間選擇之影響關係進行呈現。 研究結果顯示,個體空間認知結果是影響個體空間選擇意願之主要影響因素,其對步行者活動點選擇之影響為間接影響,對步行者路徑選擇之影響則為直接影響,而個體空間認知結果包含了個體找路判斷認知結果與地區環境資訊認知結果兩部分。 在步行者找路判斷之影響因素方面,影響個體步行者找路判斷之因素,分別為地區環境資訊因素與個體空間熟悉因素;其中,地區環境資訊因素為主要影響因素,地區環境資訊因素並對個體找路判斷同時具有直接與間接之影響。 此外,在影響途徑方面,步行者於活動點選擇時,空間認知結果會透過影響地區環境對步行者之吸引,間接影響個體逛選偏好,而個體逛選偏好則對個體活動點空間選擇之意願具有直接影響。而在步行者路徑選擇時,空間認知結果會直接影響步行者之路徑選擇意願,而地區活動吸引亦會透過直接影響個體空間認知結果,間接影響步行者路徑選擇意願。 關鍵字:步行者、空間認知、空間選擇、找路 === Pedestrian movement has been analyzed by urban geographers and environmental psychologists from the mid-1960’. Particularly, spatial choice is an important part of the spatial movement to researchers. Researchers in the past studies have assumed that pedestrian spatial choice can be viewed as the result of utility-maximizing behavior which pedestrian have full environmental information. It was argued that this assumption may not reflect the real behavior. Because pedestrians do not behave with full information. The lacks of full information open the way for cognitive behavioral approach to understand the spatial decision-making process of pedestrians. The aim of this article is to explore how the spatial cognition affects an individual pedestrian’s space choice behavior. The empirical study is conducted in the Shi-Men pedestrian mall in Taipei city and the structural equation model (SEM) is used to obtain the relationship between individual spatial cognition and space choice behavior. The results are shown as follows: First, spatial cognition affects the pedestrian route choice directly but affects stops choice indirectly. The pedestrian spatial cognitive outcome directly affects the environmental attractiveness of stops, the environmental attractiveness of stops directly affects the individual shopping preference and the individual shopping preference directly affects the choice desire of stops when pedestrians choice stops in pedestrian mall. The environmental active attractiveness of stops directly affects the spatial cognition and the spatial cognitive outcome directly affects the desire of space on pedestrians route choice. Spatial cognition includes two parts: one is wayfinding cognition and the other is local environmental information cognition. Second, the factors of pedestrian wayfinding include the degree of difficulty of wayfinding, the local environmental information and the individual familiarity of space. Among these factors, the local environmental information is the main factor of pedestrian wayfinding. Pedestrian wayfinding is influenced by direct factor as well as indirect factor of the local environmental information. Keywords:Pedestrian, Spatial choice, Spatial cognition, Wayfinding.