
自1995年全民健康保險制度開辦後,國內醫療生態有了另番風貌,報紙醫藥保健版傳播內容與民眾健康息息相關的,也隨著關心程度的擴增而蓬勃發展。然而現行國內閱讀人數最多的自由時報、聯合報及中國時報三大報在醫藥保健版面上呈現的訊息,還有網路崛起、電視傳播的健康資訊氾濫,而傳播內涵是否對民眾來說是已足夠了呢?還是有其他管道且是民眾熱衷且有效,乃為本研究欲探求之主要問題。 本研究嘗試以活動問卷調查法,對2003年全台北中南區所舉辦的健康講座的訊息內容加以檢視、分析。本研究採系統隨機抽樣法,共取得682份的資料為本研究之分析樣本,依本研究建構之類目逐一編碼後,採用SPSS統計軟體進行各相關變項的資料分析。...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Authors: 賴櫻暖, Lai Ying Nuan
Published: 國立政治大學
Online Access:http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/cdrfb3/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&i=sid=%22G0090941014%22.
Summary:自1995年全民健康保險制度開辦後,國內醫療生態有了另番風貌,報紙醫藥保健版傳播內容與民眾健康息息相關的,也隨著關心程度的擴增而蓬勃發展。然而現行國內閱讀人數最多的自由時報、聯合報及中國時報三大報在醫藥保健版面上呈現的訊息,還有網路崛起、電視傳播的健康資訊氾濫,而傳播內涵是否對民眾來說是已足夠了呢?還是有其他管道且是民眾熱衷且有效,乃為本研究欲探求之主要問題。 本研究嘗試以活動問卷調查法,對2003年全台北中南區所舉辦的健康講座的訊息內容加以檢視、分析。本研究採系統隨機抽樣法,共取得682份的資料為本研究之分析樣本,依本研究建構之類目逐一編碼後,採用SPSS統計軟體進行各相關變項的資料分析。 從研究結果發現,現行健康傳播所呈現的訊息以「疾病介紹及診療」相關的主題最多,其次為養生保健,搭配食膳、運動等為主題,也在各報的醫療保健版中佔有一席之地。 至於健康傳播方面,本研究發現健康傳播績效三因子:顧客滿意度、參與意願度及企業形象認同度,不論是顧客滿意度及企業形象認同度都有顯著差異,但對於參與意願度比較不顯著,也就是說民眾對於演講內容、主講人、場地,以及主辦單位等比較有影響,而參與意願度並不會影響到滿意度及企業形象認同度等議題。且消息來源的所在區域有明顯偏重北部,而輕忽中部及南部之趨勢,但健康傳播績效的滿意度則以南部最佳。 本研究的結果反映出當前台灣主要醫藥保健活動之訊息取向,可供實際從事健康傳播工作者參考,同時,基於研究發現也建議實務界,未來健康傳播應亟思如何使訊息題材和消息來源更多元,並扭轉上以北部訊息佔絕大多數的失衡現象,讓更多、更正確的健康資訊可隨時提供給民眾。 === Since the initiation of National Health Insurance in 1995, domestic medical environment has been changed. Medical and health section of newspapers, disseminating news closely related to the public health, have been vigorously growing since they are increasingly concerned. Health related information appearing on medical and health section of those most popular newspapers, including Liberty Times, United Daily News, and China Times, together with those on Internet and television, has been overwhelming. However, is the content of this information adequate for the public? Or, is there other channel available, prevailing and also effective? The main object of this study is to explore these further. By surveying with questionnaires, this study tried to evaluate and analyze the information given in those health seminars held in northern, central, and southern Taiwan during 2003. A total of 682 questionnaire samples were collected via systematic randomization, coded sequentially based on a category system constructed for this study and subjected to analyses for related variates by SPSS. Results showed that information presented by current health communication was mostly about “introduction to diseases and treatments,” followed by health care, food collocation, and exercises, which all take a certain space on medial and health section of newspapers. As for health communication, our results revealed that there are significant differences in customer satisfaction and enterprise image recognition, but no significant difference in participation willingness. That is, the public is more likely to be influenced by the content of seminars, speakers, location and sponsors while participation willingness does not affect issues such as customer satisfaction and enterprise image recognition. Furthermore, while it is significantly shown that more information resources are located in northern Taiwan and less in the central and southern Taiwan, however, the satisfaction of the performance of health communication is found higher in southern Taiwan. Results from this study have reflected the major information approaches of medical and health information given in seminars in Taiwan and could be used as reference material for health communication practitioners. The results also suggested that information topics and resources for health communication in future should be more diversified. In addition, the information imbalance occurred where the northern Taiwan locates most of the information shall be alleviate so as to allow more valid health information given to the public. Key words: health communication, health information, health seminar, cause-related marketing