Summary: | 社會安全制度,以社會保險及公共救助為主體,兩者之中尤以社會保險為骨幹,社會保險通常扮演著重要的角色。當中一項重要的功能即為所得(財富)重分配功能,亦即政府借助社會保險之力,達成安定經濟社會與改善國民所得分配不均,以達公平之目標。
=== Social insurance and public rescue are two main components of social security system. Especially, social insurance is also the skeleton of social security system, which has many important functions, one of which is improving the inequity of people’s income assignment. It means that the government redistributes people’s income through social insurance to achieve the goal of equity and further to stabilize economic society.
This article uses the data of "Republic of China Taiwan area family budget survey reported", which comes from 1996 to 2002 Directorate-General of Budget, Accounting and Statistics, Executive Yuan, R.O.C.(Taiwan), as investigation material. We calculate the income redistribution effect of social insurance by means of "Gini Coefficient method" and "Coefficient of Variation method". This article has two issues, one of which discusses whether the income inequality in Taiwan does come from the difference between city and countryside. The other one is the benefit of social security policy to balance of disparity of city and countryside.
In order to assess whether the income redistribution effects of social security has the difference between cities, we divide the cities in Taiwan into three groups: metropolis, countries and villages, according to standard classification of the investigation material. We use difference between cities and social insurance as two axes of our study to evaluate the effect of income redistribution between different cities.
To the effect of social insurance on income redistribution from 1996 to 2002, our study has following findings. First, regardless of classification or summation analysis, the Gini coefficient of income redistribution was gradually reducing from 1996 to 2002. This means that income redistribution policy of government is effective. Second, in Gini Coefficient method, country group and village group had higher Gini Coefficient than before executing social insurance policy. The conclusion shows the influence of social insurance was still not efficient. Third, in Coefficient of Variation method, classification and summation analysis both revealed income redistribution was weaker than before executing social insurance policy, so the policy did not achieve the expected effect. From the above findings, although the metropolis group in Coefficient method did improve income redistribution, other analysis did not achieve the goal of income redistribution.