
台灣圖書出版業者為了增加競爭優勢、降低成本,將物流業務利用外包處理的方式已經相當普遍。為實現使用第三方物流業者之物流服務所帶來之效益,選擇適當的第三方物流公司作為合作夥伴是成功的關鍵之ㄧ,因此如何評選第三方物流公司,就顯得格外重要。 有鑒於圖書出版業者以往易根據供應商的印象或交情,抑或僅憑自己主觀的認定評選物流供應商,比較缺乏系統性的評選;又考量的因素往往難以完全獨立,為解決此一問題,本研究提供一第三方物流供應商評選方法,其包括: 1. 篩選第三方物流供應商評選指標;以及 2. 利用分析網路程序法(ANP)確立評選指標之相對權重。 在參考過去相關研究,並透過專家訪談,歸納出適用...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Authors: 詹阿勇, Chan, A Yung
Published: 國立政治大學
Online Access:http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/cdrfb3/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&i=sid=%22G0094355065%22.
Summary:台灣圖書出版業者為了增加競爭優勢、降低成本,將物流業務利用外包處理的方式已經相當普遍。為實現使用第三方物流業者之物流服務所帶來之效益,選擇適當的第三方物流公司作為合作夥伴是成功的關鍵之ㄧ,因此如何評選第三方物流公司,就顯得格外重要。 有鑒於圖書出版業者以往易根據供應商的印象或交情,抑或僅憑自己主觀的認定評選物流供應商,比較缺乏系統性的評選;又考量的因素往往難以完全獨立,為解決此一問題,本研究提供一第三方物流供應商評選方法,其包括: 1. 篩選第三方物流供應商評選指標;以及 2. 利用分析網路程序法(ANP)確立評選指標之相對權重。 在參考過去相關研究,並透過專家訪談,歸納出適用於圖書出版業對於第三方物流業者之評選指標,其分為服務品質、履約能力、服務品質、價格條件、資訊管理能力、經營績效五大構面以及17個評選指標;並利用ANP將評選指標之間的相依回饋關係納入考量,找出各指標的權重,以作為企業評選第三方物流業者之評選參考。 之後,本研究以使用第三方物流之圖書出版業者為實例進行說明。研究中發現,圖書出版業者間在評選第三方物流供應商時,所重視的指標會有所不同,業者會根據過去與物流供應商實際合作情況,回饋於選擇第三方物流供應商的系統中,修正評選指標,調整權重認定,以找到適合的物流供應商。以個案公司來說,於第三方物流供應商評選時,對於訂單履行準確性及準時將貨物送達顧客是最重要的考量因素,其反映個案公司過去與第三方物流供應商合作之經驗。 最後,本研究所提供之方法亦可提供決策者充分的資訊與系統化的思考,有利企業做為最終決策的參考。 === As book publishing firms are looking to increase competitiveness, strengthen core competencies and lower overall costs, outsourcing logistics to third party logistics (3PL) service providers have become common practice. To ensure the success and to maximize the benefits of such practice, the selection of the 3PL becomes particularly crucial. This study provides a comprehensive methodology to the selection of a 3PL provider, consisting of two parts: 1. Screening criteria to employ during the selection of a provider;and 2. Determining the relative importance of each screening criterion by the analytic network process (ANP) approach. A total of seventeen criteria have been identified by experts in the book publishing industry with respect to service quality, capabilities, price, information technology management and operational performance of the 3PL providers. As interdependencies exist between each criterion and cannot be captured by the analytic hierarchy process (AHP), to solve such types of problems, this study utilizes ANP to determine the relative weighting in the selection of a 3PL provider. Thereafter, the application of ANP for the selection of a 3PL provider is demonstrated through an illustrative example. The result of the example provided indicates that the criteria of shipment error rates and on-time shipment and deliveries are the most important, and this reflects the influence of the experiences from past cooperation between the case company and 3PL providers. This approach also enables the decision-makers to better understand the complex relationship between the relevant attributes during the decision-making process, which may subsequently improve the outcome of the decision.