
由於投信產業的進入門檻不高,通常大股東只要出資新台幣三億元,就可管理台幣數百億或千億元以上的資產規模,進而影響國內金融市場的運作,所以,主管機關對於投信公司的管理相對於其他產業嚴格許多。然而,投信產業發展至今30年來,經理人股票鎖單、收取回扣、內線交易等大小弊案,時有耳聞,未曾停歇,正印證了Jensen and Meckling(1976)的代理理論假設,即當年輕的經理人面對眼前的龐大利益,會因理性的自利行為而做出危害股東或債權人利益之事,產生了代理成本,若此時公司治理的內部機制如:董事會等能善盡監督之職,或外部機制如:法令或社會信用體系等能發揮嚇阻之作用,將大大降低從業人員的道德風險。 本研...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: 洪淑英
Published: 國立政治大學
Online Access:http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/cdrfb3/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&i=sid=%22G0094932242%22.
Summary:由於投信產業的進入門檻不高,通常大股東只要出資新台幣三億元,就可管理台幣數百億或千億元以上的資產規模,進而影響國內金融市場的運作,所以,主管機關對於投信公司的管理相對於其他產業嚴格許多。然而,投信產業發展至今30年來,經理人股票鎖單、收取回扣、內線交易等大小弊案,時有耳聞,未曾停歇,正印證了Jensen and Meckling(1976)的代理理論假設,即當年輕的經理人面對眼前的龐大利益,會因理性的自利行為而做出危害股東或債權人利益之事,產生了代理成本,若此時公司治理的內部機制如:董事會等能善盡監督之職,或外部機制如:法令或社會信用體系等能發揮嚇阻之作用,將大大降低從業人員的道德風險。 本研究以國內某投信公司為個案,探討公司治理和道德風險防範的重要,研究發現員工的道德標準與企業文化好壞相關性很大,本個案公司由於背後大股東企業文化的敗壞,弊案連連,其集團領導人根本視法律如無物,在「上樑不正,下樑歪」的風氣相互影響下,個案公司的負責人似也有樣學樣,利用投信公司合法的基金銷售管道掩護,進行違法境外基金之販售,以賺取超額佣金,圖利自己,導致個案公司在該集團接手後短短2年的時間內,就宣告經營失敗並結束營業。 關鍵詞:公司治理、代理成本、道德風險、投信產業 === In Taiwan, it's not hard for the wealthy to have control over an asset management company with a capital of at least a few billion NT dollars as only an initial thirty million NT dollars can capitalize one. Due to their influence in the financial markets, the regulators keep a close eye on them. Unfortunately, there have still been such many scandals involving kickbacks, inside trading, etc. occurring ever since the SITC industry commenced. It seems to prove Jensen and Meckling's Agency theory that the agents behave with rational selfishness and jeopardize the benefits of the other shareholders and creditors in order to keep their own interests. These moral hazards can be reduced if board meetings function responsibly, compliance of industrial rules, or a credit system for the general public, etc. that can operate effectively. This thesis studies the importance of corporate governance and the evading of moral hazards with an asset management company in Taiwan. Through the study, we have found there is a direct correlation between employee's moral hazard and corporate culture. This case study shows the major shareholder who controlled the asset management company intentionally ignored and violated the laws poorly and the leader of the case company also followed suit. She utilized the company's assets to benefit from selling illegal offshore funds and finally caused the failure of the company within two years. Keywords: Corporate Governance, Agency Cost, Moral Hazard, and SITC industry