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Main Authors: 安尹若, Anamika
Published: 國立政治大學
Online Access:http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/cdrfb3/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&i=sid=%22G0095152520%22.
Summary:教育,是透過學生持續社會化的過程而形塑社會的重要機制。教育,為未來世代參與社會變遷預作了準備,並有助於社會發展。尤有甚者,教育使學生們意識到他們的權利。我們可以在各個教育階段裡引入人權教育。但是,小學階段的社會科教育對青少年的人權概念發展是具有決定性意義的。對此階段的學生而言,教師的引導以及人權教育的教學對清楚理解人權概念是相當關鍵的。針對教導學生深思熟慮的方法、人道與明智的價值、理性與批判的思考,人權教育教學可以是有助益且有效途徑。因此,本研究目的是在人權教育的脈絡下,評估社會科教師並探究他們的教學法。而本研究之研究問題是:(1)台北與新德里小學社會科教師在他們人權教育的價值、信念、態度與觀念脈絡下,理解人權教育教學的方式為何?(2)台北與新德里小學社會科教師在人權教育的教學實踐為何?(3)在台北與新德里小學社會科教室中,有意與無意的教學內容為何?(4)在人權教學的過程中,台北與新德里小學社會科教師所面臨的難題與阻礙為何?(5)可能存在一種可以應用在不同教育背景的普遍性人權教育教學嗎?因此,本研究針對台北與新德里小學,分別進行兩組各三位六年級教師及其班級的探究。 本研究發現,教師是人權教育成功實行的重要關鍵。教師必須對人權有熱情與承諾;教師必須尊重學生做為個體的權利;人權教育必須有情境脈絡的特殊性;《世界人權宣言》可以做為人權教學的普遍標準;此外,聯合國與國家政府的角色亦關係重大,因為他們提供人權教育結構與資金。最後,值得一提的是NGOs 與INGOs 的角色越來越重要,他們有必要在橫向與縱向上拓展他們的網絡。 === Education is an important institution that shapes our society through continuous socialization of pupils. It prepares future generations to participate in social change and contributes to society’s development. Moreover, it makes pupils aware of their rights. Human rights education can be introduced at all levels of education. The elementary level Social Science education is crucial for the development of the concept of human rights among adolescents. For the pupils of this age group, the guidance of teacher and the pedagogy of human rights education are critical for a clear understanding of the concept. The pedagogy of human rights education can be a useful and effective way of inculcating deliberative methods, humane and judicious values, and rational and critical thinking among pupils. The present study is an attempt to assess social science teachers and explore their pedagogy in the context of human rights education. The issues that the present research intends to raise are: (1) How the pedagogy of human rights education is perceived by Social Science teachers of the elementary school of Taipei and New Delhi in the context of their values, beliefs, attitudes, and ideals of human rights education? (2) How is the pedagogy of human rights education of Social Science teachers of Taipei and Delhi put into practice? (3) What is taught in human rights education in the social science classrooms of Taipei and New Delhi intentionally and unintentionally? (4) What are the problems and obstacles faced by Social Science teachers during the process of teaching human rights? (5) Can there be a general pedagogy of human rights education, which can be applied across different educational settings? The issues are examined with two sets of three teachers of sixth grade and their classes in elementary schools of Taipei and New Delhi. The findings of this study suggest that the agency of the teacher is crucial for successful implementation of HRE; that a teacher has to have passion and commitment for HR; that the rights of students as individuals must be respected by the teacher; that HRE must be context specific; that the Universal Declaration of Human Rights can be used as a universal standard to teach HR; and, finally, that the role of UN and national government is crucial. These two institutions provide with the framework and funding for HRE. Last, but not the least, the role of NGOs and INGOs is gaining importance by the day and that they need to expand their network, both vertically and horizontally.