
中亞地區因獨特的地理位置和擁有豐富的自然資源,成為各種力量角逐的焦點,中亞國家為了維護其國家利益,均採行「全方位與平衡」的對外政策,致使世界各國得以順利的進入中亞。中亞國家與中共有著3000多公里邊界接壤的地緣關係,是中共西北方重要鄰國,在維護邊界安全與能源需求的利益考量下,中共積極介入中亞事務。近年來,由於中共威脅論的負面影響,中共開始提倡和諧世界觀,並具體推動睦鄰外交政策,採取雙邊或多邊途徑改善與周邊國家關係,中共的中亞外交,便在和諧世界觀的引領、睦鄰外交政策規範下展開,並藉由「上海合作組織」來實現。 「上海合作組織」的前身為中共與俄羅斯、哈薩克、吉爾吉斯、塔吉克因邊境問題...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: 羅國順
Published: 國立政治大學
Online Access:http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/cdrfb3/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&i=sid=%22G0099922002%22.
Summary:中亞地區因獨特的地理位置和擁有豐富的自然資源,成為各種力量角逐的焦點,中亞國家為了維護其國家利益,均採行「全方位與平衡」的對外政策,致使世界各國得以順利的進入中亞。中亞國家與中共有著3000多公里邊界接壤的地緣關係,是中共西北方重要鄰國,在維護邊界安全與能源需求的利益考量下,中共積極介入中亞事務。近年來,由於中共威脅論的負面影響,中共開始提倡和諧世界觀,並具體推動睦鄰外交政策,採取雙邊或多邊途徑改善與周邊國家關係,中共的中亞外交,便在和諧世界觀的引領、睦鄰外交政策規範下展開,並藉由「上海合作組織」來實現。 「上海合作組織」的前身為中共與俄羅斯、哈薩克、吉爾吉斯、塔吉克因邊境問題談判於1996年建立的「上海五國」會晤機制,2001年烏茲別克加入宣布成立「上海合作組織」,成為區域性國際組織。中共利用地緣優勢,以該組織為平台,全面加強與中亞各國的雙邊與多邊合作,以增強政治互信,不僅可以保障其經濟、能源、反恐及安全等各方面的利益,有助於建立穩定、和平與和諧的周邊環境,又可以遏止美國的戰略圍堵。上海合作組織是唯一在中共境內成立、以中共城市命名、總部設在中國大陸的區域性國際組織,也是中共在中亞地區唯一參與的區域性國際組織;因此,上海合作組織已經成為中共中亞外交重要的組成部分,中共看待中亞問題,已經把上海合作組織包括在內,推進上海合作組織的發展已經是中共中亞外交的規定任務。本文試圖藉由對上海合作組織的研究,以瞭解中共中亞外交政策及其未來可能的發展方向。 關鍵詞:中亞、中共中亞外交、上海合作組織、地緣政治。 === Due to the unique geographical location and rich natural resources, Central Asia has always been an important region which several great powers would contend in. Therefore, countries in the Central Asian adopts "all-rounded and balanced" foreign policy in order to safeguard their national benefits, which results in the smooth access to Central Asia area from all over the world. In addition, the Chinese Communist and the Central Asian countries have more than 3000 kilometers of contiguous areas and which seriously affects its border security and stability. In recent years, results from the negative impact of the China Threat Theory, the Chinese Communist began to promote the harmonious world view and specifically carry out the good neighbor policy to improve relations with neighboring countries by bilateral or multilateral ways including the establishment of the "Shanghai Cooperation Organization". "Shanghai Cooperation Organization" is formerly known as the "Shanghai Five" meeting mechanism between Chinese Communist and Russia, Kazakhstan, the Kirghizia and Tadzhikistan due to border issues in 1996. In 2011, Uzbekistan joined, "Shanghai Cooperation Organization" thus become a regional international organization. Chinese Communist uses its geographical advantage and takes the "Shanghai Cooperation Organization" as a platform to comprehensively strengthen bilateral and multilateral cooperation with Central Asian countries to enhance mutual political trust. In this way, not only the various benefits from the economy, energy, anti-terrorism to security could be protected, the influence Chinese Communist has in Central Asian region could be expanded and consolidated, then it could be helpful in establishing a stable, peaceful and harmonious surrounding environment, moreover, curbing the strategy containment of U.S.. The "Shanghai Cooperation Organization "is so far the only regional international organization which established within the territory of the Chinese Communist, named after the Chinese Communist cities and headquartered in mainland China. Moreover, it is the only Central Asia regional international organizations which the Chinese Communist has participated in. Therefore, the "Shanghai Cooperation Organization" has become an important part of the Chinese Communist's Central Asia Diplomacy, the development of the "Shanghai Cooperation Organization" has become the mandated task of the Chinese Communist's Central Asia Diplomacy. This paper attempts to explore the future direction and development of Chinese Communist's Central Asian foreign policy by researching into the case of "Shanghai Cooperation Organization ". Keywords: Central Asia, the Chinese Communist's Central Asian diplomacy, Shanghai Cooperation Organization, Geo-politics.