Summary: | 學校應該學習與組織記憶、組織學習以及體制論相關之知識。其中,組織記憶有助於問題解決與決策制訂(Hanson, 2001),且能協助學校維持不易被模仿、獨特的競爭優勢,並能有效提高組織績效表現及降低成本(Wexler, 2002)。許多組織記憶相關的研究結論顯示,組織成員流動會嚴重影響組織記憶成長(Carley, 1992)。因此,如何有效獲取、保留、維護及存取(retrieve)組織成員的知識,以避免重要的組織記憶消失(Walsh 和 Ungson, 1991;),儼然成為當前組織最需要關切的課題之一(Lahaie, 2005)。本研究整理、分析組織記憶相關文獻,發現藉由中介變項:書面化程度、可接近性、資深知識者角色行為、協同教學行為與知識分享行為以管理組織記憶,可滿足教師的組織記憶存取需求(retrieval demands),維持組織記憶的有效性。
=== Hanson(2001) declared that schools should get insights from the literature regarding organizational memory, organizational learning and institutional theory. Organizational memory can support organizational members to acquire knowledge in problem-solving and decision-making activities (Walsh and Ungson, 1991). Moreover, organizational memory could be viewed as an intangible asset if successfully managed, and it might confer competitive advantages and lower transaction cost (Wexler, 2002). Day (1994) claimed that organizational memory is as a repository for collective memory which lain in policies, procedures, routines, and rules that can be retrieved when organization members needed. Stein and Zwass (1995) defined that organizational memory as “the means by which knowledge from the past is brought to bear present activities, thus resulting in higher or lower levels of organizational effectiveness.” Levitt and March(1996) also mentioned that “the lesson of history are likely to be lost through turnover of personnel (Hanson, 2001).” These statements implied that personnel turnover is the main threat of organizational memory (Stein and Zwass, 1995). This study wants to explore the relationship between teachers’ turnover, retrieval demands and effectiveness of organizational memory and the performance of kindergartens. Moreover, researcher wants to investigate the elements that have the most influence upon organizational memory effectiveness. Drawn from organization memory literature, we found that knowledge externalization, accessibility of organizational memory, senior teachers and principal’s behavior, team-teaching behavior, and knowledge-sharing behavior are determinants of organizational memory effectiveness. === The major finding was that teachers definitely have retrieval demands toward organizational memory, especially new-employed teachers. New teachers need senior teachers and principal’s guidance to help them solve problems and make decisions. The more assistances senior teachers and principal can offer, new teachers are more satisfied with organizational memory. That means new teachers can retrieve organizational memory successfully; moreover, they will be more contented with organizational memory effectiveness and show higher personal performance. As for intervening variables, researcher have detected that senior teachers and principal’s behavior and knowledge-sharing behavior show the primary influence upon organizational memory effectiveness. Consequently, management teams of kindergartens should attempt to create opportunities for teachers to share their knowledge. After knowledge-sharing procedure, teachers’ retrieval demands of organizational memory will be fulfilled, effectiveness of organizational memory will be maintained, and personal performance will be lifted as well.