
冷戰結束後的「一超多強」情勢與「中國威脅論」興起,以美國為首的國際社會有圍堵「中國崛起」之意,中國遂提出「新安全觀」以維護周邊環境穩定。「新安全觀」有別於冷戰安全觀思維,強調以「和平共處五原則」與各國共處,以雙邊、多邊外交政策實踐,經由協商解決衝突。 此論文目的是瞭解中國在胡錦濤時期的「新安全觀」指導下的對外政策,與對美關係(一)詮釋中國「新安全觀」的背景、意涵及在外交上的實踐;(二)分析胡錦濤時期的外交政策;(三)分別就朝核問題、台海問題、南海主權爭議、人權問題等安全議題中,分析中國在「新安全觀」思維下與美國之互動關係。 === Since the end of the Cold Wa...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Authors: 陳怡君, Chen, Yi Chun
Published: 國立政治大學
Online Access:http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/cdrfb3/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&i=sid=%22G0972530283%22.
Summary:冷戰結束後的「一超多強」情勢與「中國威脅論」興起,以美國為首的國際社會有圍堵「中國崛起」之意,中國遂提出「新安全觀」以維護周邊環境穩定。「新安全觀」有別於冷戰安全觀思維,強調以「和平共處五原則」與各國共處,以雙邊、多邊外交政策實踐,經由協商解決衝突。 此論文目的是瞭解中國在胡錦濤時期的「新安全觀」指導下的對外政策,與對美關係(一)詮釋中國「新安全觀」的背景、意涵及在外交上的實踐;(二)分析胡錦濤時期的外交政策;(三)分別就朝核問題、台海問題、南海主權爭議、人權問題等安全議題中,分析中國在「新安全觀」思維下與美國之互動關係。 === Since the end of the Cold War, there has no longer been superpower confrontation . Nonetheless the global situation has turned out to be a realm of “one superpower and many other powers.” As China’s threat emerges, China recognizes that the international community, especially the United States, is forging a strategy of containment. Therefore, the PRC initiates a “New Security Concept” to stabilize its adjacent environment, proclaiming a unique security concept, to implement bilateral and multilateral diplomatic ties with other nations. China emphasizes its “Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence,” solving disputes with others by way of coordination and cooperation. In this thesis, the author reviews the Hu Jintao government foreign policy and strategy based on China’s “New Security Concept,” and explore “Big Power” diplomacy . The author also analyzes the evolving changes of Sino-U.S. relationship under the “New Security Concept” so as to realize China’s very motive in manipulating foreign policy.