
本研究主旨在如何將多元智慧理論應用於高中英文課程以改善英文低成就學生之英語學習能力,目的在探討:(a)多元智慧理論在高中英文教學之應用成效(b)學生在語言學習的過程中相關智慧的運用及(c)應用多元智慧理論在高中英文教學之可行策略及活動設計,供日後教學或研究參考。 本研究之對象為台北縣立明德高中第三屆美術實驗班高三學生。為改善其遲滯之教學效率,研究者擬於高三上學期英文課實施為期五個月的多元智慧應用課程,期間收集學生態度量表前後測結果、師生訪談記錄、開放性問卷調查內容及全民英檢參考分數,作為本研究資料分析之參考依據。 本研究分析結果如下: 1.學生的學習動機及態度明...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Authors: 柯志儀, Ko, Chih-Yi
Published: 國立政治大學
Online Access:http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/cdrfb3/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&i=sid=%22G91NCCU0562012%22.
Summary:本研究主旨在如何將多元智慧理論應用於高中英文課程以改善英文低成就學生之英語學習能力,目的在探討:(a)多元智慧理論在高中英文教學之應用成效(b)學生在語言學習的過程中相關智慧的運用及(c)應用多元智慧理論在高中英文教學之可行策略及活動設計,供日後教學或研究參考。 本研究之對象為台北縣立明德高中第三屆美術實驗班高三學生。為改善其遲滯之教學效率,研究者擬於高三上學期英文課實施為期五個月的多元智慧應用課程,期間收集學生態度量表前後測結果、師生訪談記錄、開放性問卷調查內容及全民英檢參考分數,作為本研究資料分析之參考依據。 本研究分析結果如下: 1.學生的學習動機及態度明顯轉變積極,對於傳統考試教學所引發之負面效應如壓力等較能理性容忍。 2.學生體會到運用個人的強項智慧,並透過參與課程內之隊組活動或完成其技巧性之專題活動,不僅能有效激發其潛在英語學習能力,並能同時發展將來完成自我實現時所需之能力或態度。 3.學生能藉由完整且自發性的課程參與,得到來自教師及同儕的正面評價,重拾自信與自我認同感。 4.學生透過為理解而做有目的有意義的學習過程,有助其發展獨立學習的能力及未來規劃。 5.學生學會當眾適度自我表達,於團隊合作活動中為達共識釋出友善關係,並能為精通語言技巧展現其決心並付出努力。 6.學生透過有系統地參與各課程單元所要求完成的一個接一個學生專題以及團對問題解決之任務,學會如何為自我設計的專題擬訂計畫並實際發展完成,如何辨識出並延伸利用不同且有效的學習資源,及透過事先模擬並合作解決一些與文化及日常生活經驗有關的難題,的確加強了自我解決問題的能力。 7.學生主要因為學習態度的改善及確實體認實用學習的真義,而在全民英檢的後測中顯示其英語能力的長足進步。 8.學生能善加利用個人作品集做為大學入學推薦甄試之備審資料,並視編製作品集為個人英文學習之成長記錄及增進個人創作能力之利器。 根據本研究結果,提供以下幾點建議: 1.雖然多元智慧理論提供有效學習的教學架構,教師須謹戒勿流於僵化之教學形式。教師應根據學生需求調整課程內容,採適切之教學法,避免因要求學生編製個人作品集而重蹈學生課業壓力繁重之覆轍。 2.在運用多元智慧於教學課程時,學生家長應參與其中。老師可以時常邀請學生家長到校與學生及老師分享不同領域之專業知識,表達他們對其子女的成長觀察,或參與學生專題作品發表與提供評估報告參考。 3.由於在分析本研究結果時發現,為幫助學生瞭解個人學習經驗的發展而讓學生填寫之學生自我進步報告單及開放性問卷中有不少的重複,因而導致學生重複過多的自我省察敘述。故建議簡化研究設計或研究工具,以便在短期的教學實驗中達成更有效率的課程進行。 4.教師本身很難同時擁有八種智能模式以進行教學,但也不能因為自身不擅長某種智能而持續規避運用。反之,不同科教師可合作教學已增加教師本身及學生的教育機會;如同在本研究中藉由音樂、地球科學及美術老師們的輔助協同教學,有效地根據教師本身的強項智能做課程規劃及進行教學。以合科教學的角度來看,高中教師能輕易地採用本理論,因為高中普遍開設通識課程(文科,如歷史、外語等),其中大部分課程多有能即時配合理解性多元智慧課程設計教學的特性,藉此高中生能運用個人強項智慧達到快速認識並確認各自未來之專業領域。 5.受研究對象人數及課程實施時間限制,本研究著重在對高中英文應用多元智慧教學做總結性評估分析;由於課程設計重點同時強調學習過程與學生作品成果的重要性,形成性評估分析如英語能力進步與否之統計工具運用及其數據參考略顯不足。建議未來研究方向能朝延長教學期限並擴大研究對象人數為目標,提供足夠有效更具說服力的實證數據。 === This study focused on how MI theory was applied and what kind of curriculum design could be addressed in a senior high school English class:(a)to explore Mi-based application to the English language teaching;(b)to recognize the related intelligences students may involve in the process of language learning;(c)to map adjustable Mi-based teaching strategies and activities for the fUture references. Subjects were the third grade students of the experimental art class (7 females and 4 males) in Taipei County Ming Derh Senior High School. From September 2001 to February 2002, the researcher implemented the Mi-based instruction in her first-semester English classes, aiming to promote teaching effectiveness and students' learning competences in English. Data were collected from students' learning attitude scale survey, transcriptions of Teacher-Student Conference Interviews, and students' answers to an open-ended questionnaire, and the II students' scores on the GEPT. The analysis of the data revealed the following findings: 1.Students appeared to be more enthusiastic and constructive in motivation and learning attitudes, showing less passive tolerance of some negative consequence caused from pressure leading to studying to the test. 2.Students reahzed their own powerful intelligences help them develop individual's potential competences in English learning and prepare for their fUture self-fulfillment through interaction of shared activities, group experience, or skillful project working. 3.Students recovered their self-esteem and self-identification through their intact and fully willing participation, from which they maintain positive recognition both from the teacher and the peers. 4.Students reshaped their independent learning ability and set a clearly defined goal for the future through awakening awareness from the meaningful or purposeful learning for understanding across the curriculum. 5.tudents matured into individuals adaptable to moderate self-expression in public, sharing friendly relations to a consensus in collaboration, and fueling the persistence and efforts necessary for mastering language skills. 6.tudents strengthened their problem-solving abilities through systematically being engaged in accomplishing one student project after another and also in the assigned group problem-solving tasks of the five Mi-based instruction units. Students learned how to make plans for and actually develop their self-designed projects; how to identify and extend varied helpful and effective resources; to foresee in advance and try to work cooperatively out some simulative problems set in cultural or real-life environments. 7.tudents made distinctive progress in the posttest of the General English Proficiency Test, mainly as a consequence of their changes in learning attitudes and of their identifying the true meaning of practical learning. 8.Students made good use of the personal portfolio collection as the required materials for qualification examining of the College Recommendation Entrance Examination. Besides, they regarded compiling portfolios as a task, which helped them perceive their English learning growth, and enhanced their creative awareness. According to the results of the study, the suggestions would be offered as 1.Although the multiple intelligences theory suggests an effective instructional framework, teacher should avoid practicing it as a rigid pedagogical mode. The teacher is supposed to adapt the teaching curriculum based on students' needs, and the instructional methods should be appropriate for the content, avoiding resulting in a heavy tight for students to assemble their portfolios. 2.In this Mi-based curriculum parents should give an active voice. They should be frequently invited to share their expertise with students and the teacher, to share their observations of their children's developing skills, and to participate in professional development activities. Besides, it is best for students to invite their parents to attend presentations of students project works, or even to be involved in redesigning assessment reports on their children. The teacher can inform parents of student activities and achievements through phone calls, visits, sending newsletters, extra interviews, etc. 3.The researcher found much overlap in data source collecting, such as the student progress report composed of open-ended questions and another open-ended questionnaire, both of which were intended to help students recognize how they develop their learning experience. It seemed that students made repeated statements about the same learning content of every unit. The research instruments could have been lessened and the research design could also have been simplified to make the curriculum delivering much more efficient and effective in the short period of instruction. 4.It is difficult for a teacher who embraces multiple intelligences to teach all content through all eight intelligence modes. And this is not to say that a teacher should consistently avoid certain intelligence because it is out of his/her comfort zone. Instead, teachers should team up with colleagues so that they can increase both their own and their students' educational options. Like the successful assistant presence of Geo-Science teacher and some other art teachers in this study, interdiscipimary curriculums or team teaching can be an effective way for teachers to plan and teach in team based on their intelligence strengths. Thinking in interdisciplinary terms, senior high school teachers can just as easily adopt the theory, because senior high schools typically offer liberal arts programs, most of which already feature a comprehensive multiple intelligences curriculum. Student can quickly get acquainted and thus identify their fbture experts through their specific intelligences in this way of interdisciplinary curriculum. 5.This study was basically a summative evaluation on the application of the MI theory in senior high English class. It focused on students' finished project works and reflections on the process of engagement; that is, the curriculum design puts an emphasis on both process and product. On the contrary, in this study a formative evaluation on students' progress of English proficiency was considered insufficient and less evident in research instrument administration and statistic data collection. It is hoped that future researchers will prolong the administration period and enlarge the number of the study subjects, providing more persuasive empirical evidence to the recommendation of such an instruction.