As rela??es de g?nero no trabalho: uma an?lise da inser??o das mulheres e homens na rede de fast food

Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T15:46:16Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 SuzanaCJ.pdf: 653089 bytes, checksum: c62461551f4aec7da6681c67a2fc7c9d (MD5) Previous issue date: 2007-12-28 === The purpose of this study was investigate the sexual division of the work in a chain of fast food, in Natal,...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Joffer, Suzana da Cunha
Other Authors: CPF:30716489449
Format: Others
Published: Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte 2014
Online Access:
Summary:Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T15:46:16Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 SuzanaCJ.pdf: 653089 bytes, checksum: c62461551f4aec7da6681c67a2fc7c9d (MD5) Previous issue date: 2007-12-28 === The purpose of this study was investigate the sexual division of the work in a chain of fast food, in Natal, RN. These aspects were analyzed with the ways of organization of the work, being made a case study. The main objective of this survey was to analyze the influence of gender relations in the insertion of men and women in the job market and to analyze the question of feminine submission in the professional world. These questions were analyzed considering the current period of the worldwide capitalism, from the characteristics of productive process and the growth of the service sectors. The research was made with a group of workers on the production sectors; attendance, management and human resources at restfood store, where six clerks were interviewed. Through our research, it is possible to perceive the permanence of the sexual division at the job in the interior of the productive processes at Restfood, that puts the woman in a subordinate position in relation to the man. This result can be confirmed if we considerate that the women, on this chain of food, occupy in first place the function of waitress and on this, trere s no functional progression, while her workmates (the men) for occupying other functions can progress inside the company. It was also evidenced that in a context of globalization of the capital, deregulation and disrespect of labor laws, the capital acts without any respect to workers. That was what we observed at the interviewer speech; the scarcity of the conditions of work and the constant disrespect of the labor laws. This way, we could evidence that the scarcity of work conditions hit men and women, but it has a crueler face with the women, and this one reproduces itself, day by day in the process of social reproduction, through family life, insertion in the world of the work, information and received social education. So, the capital explores all of them, but the gender relations create to the capital, the possibility of a different degree of exploration, becoming this way, the women main victims herself === Procurou-se com esse estudo, investigar a divis?o sexual do trabalho numa cadeia de fast food em Natal/RN. Esses aspectos foram analisados juntamente com as formas de organiza??o do trabalho, sendo realizado um estudo de caso. O principal objetivo dessa pesquisa consistiu em analisar a influ?ncia das rela??es de g?nero na inser??o de homens e mulheres no mercado de trabalho e analisar a quest?o da submiss?o feminina no mundo do trabalho. Buscou-se estudar tais quest?es, considerando o atual est?gio do capitalismo mundial, a partir das caracter?sticas do processo de flexibiliza??o produtiva e do crescimento do setor de servi?os. A pesquisa foi realizada com um grupo de trabalhadores e trabalhadoras lotados/as nos setores da produ??o, atendimento, ger?ncia e recursos humanos na loja de fast food Restfood, sendo entrevistados/as 6 (seis) trabalhadores/as. Atrav?s de nossa pesquisa, pode-se constatar a perman?ncia da divis?o sexual do trabalho no interior dos processos produtivos do Restfood, que coloca a mulher em condi??o subalterna em rela??o ao homem. Esse resultado se confirma se considerarmos que as mulheres, na referida cadeia de alimentos, ocupam, prioritariamente, a fun??o de gar?onete e nesta, n?o h? progress?o funcional, enquanto seus colegas homens, por ocuparem outras fun??es, podem progredir dentro da empresa. Constatou-se tamb?m que, em um contexto de mundializa??o do capital, desregulamentamenta??o e desrespeito dos direitos trabalhista, o capital age sem nenhum respeito aos/as trabalhadores/as. Foi o que se observou e se ouviu nas falas dos/as entrevistados/as: a precariza??o das condi??es de trabalho e o constante desrespeito dos direitos trabalhistas. Dessa forma, pudemos constatar que a precariza??o das condi??es do trabalho atinge homens e mulheres, mas tem uma face mais cruel no que se refere ?s mulheres e esta se reproduz cotidianamente no processo de reprodu??o social, atrav?s da vida familiar, da inser??o no mundo do trabalho, da informa??o e educa??o recebida socialmente. Enfim, o capital explora a todos/as, mas as rela??es de g?nero criam, para o capital, a possibilidade de um grau diferenciado de explora??o, tornando, assim, as mulheres, suas principais v?timas