1.The Evaluation of Excessive Radiation Exposure on Children's Growth 2.Evaluation of Physical Growth in Children with Chronic Low-Dose r-Radiation in Taipei City and County

碩士 === 國立臺灣大學 === 職業醫學與工業衛生研究所 === 86 === (1).輻射暴露對孩童成長影響之探討:臺灣於1992年至1998年初陸續發現 了將近160餘棟大小不同的鈷-60輻射污染鋼筋所蓋建物,總共已有1,600 戶污染公寓或學校,以及近10,000位自1983年起接受長短不等長期中低劑 量輻射暴露之不幸民眾;由於這些輻射屋民眾中,多數為青少年兒童,其 長期額外低劑量游離輻射暴露是否會造成各類健康影響,非常值得我們探...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Authors: Wang, Jung-Chun, 王蓉君
Other Authors: Wang Jung-Der
Format: Others
Published: 1998
Online Access:http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/45188383230566997233
Summary:碩士 === 國立臺灣大學 === 職業醫學與工業衛生研究所 === 86 === (1).輻射暴露對孩童成長影響之探討:臺灣於1992年至1998年初陸續發現 了將近160餘棟大小不同的鈷-60輻射污染鋼筋所蓋建物,總共已有1,600 戶污染公寓或學校,以及近10,000位自1983年起接受長短不等長期中低劑 量輻射暴露之不幸民眾;由於這些輻射屋民眾中,多數為青少年兒童,其 長期額外低劑量游離輻射暴露是否會造成各類健康影響,非常值得我們探 討。有鑑於此,本文回顧綜述近一世紀以來有關游離輻射對孩童成長影響 的研究。動物實驗極早即發現骨骼成長遲滯的現象與輻射劑量的高低與實 驗動物的年齡呈明顯的相關。人體接受?2g蝞g暴露後所造成負面的生長 影? T,在廣島、長崎原爆暴露,以及罹患癌症兒童接受放射性治療存活者身 上獲得證實。輻射產生成長遲滯之影響,不單來自於對骨骼生長的抑制, 同時包括對內分泌系統正常分泌的影響,進而抑制了正常的生長;相信這 些研究將可提供臺灣輻射屋族群等類似研究重要之參考。 (2).台北縣市長期低劑量游離輻射暴露孩童之身高成長的研究:游離輻射 造成骨骼成長遲滯之負面影響在廣島、長崎原爆暴露,以及罹患癌症兒童 接受放射性治療存活者身上發現,骨骼成長遲滯與輻射劑量的高低與接受 照射的年齡呈明顯的相關。 為瞭解長期低劑量游離輻射對兒童身高成長之影響,我們針對146位台灣 北部地區之台北縣市,年齡18歲以下且在輻射屋內懷孕出生或成長,有實 際身高測量值與經 "Taipei Cumulative Dose 1996" (TCD96)累積暴露劑 量評估" 的孩童進行其成長發育受長期輻射影響的評估。 於1995年 至1996年間,採橫斷世代研究法 (cross-sectional study) 實際測量暴 露孩童的身高值,並且於同時期間,經分層抽樣法選取了6,114位性別、 年齡、父母社經地位相當的參考族群兒童測量其身高值,所有的測量儀器 均經標準化過程校正;其中80位男孩 (包含2位累積暴露劑量過高 於1,000 mSv以上) 的平均累積暴露劑量值為165.5± 241.8 mSv (毫西弗),而66位女孩的 平均累積暴露劑量值為117.0 ± 147.7 mSv,男女兩性的平均年齡均 為9.5歲;我們於控制年齡、性別、及父母親身高等變因後,再採Mixed- effects model控制屬於同一家庭之特質,分析異常輻射暴露兒童的身高 ;結果發現,與同樣年齡參考族群兒童的身高之中位數 (median heights of age and sex matched controls) 相比較,異常輻射暴露使 得暴露孩童身高平均比該年紀孩童明顯降低,且具統計上顯著之意義 (男 性p值0.067,女性p值0.0273 );因此我們推論,胎內或孩童時期長期低 劑量游離輻射異常暴 露之兒童,其身高的成長可能因受到輻射暴露的影響而降低;進一步之世 代追蹤調查將可幫助我們深入瞭解此一現象之機轉。 1.The Evaluation of Excessive Radiation Exposure on Children's Growth Over 160 residential buildings were constructed with Co-60 contaminated steel rods in Taiwan around 1983, resulting in the exposure of more than 1,600 families a nd 10,000 citizens and students to chronic low-dose excessive radiation as the y stayed in these buildings. As the majority of these exposed were children an d adolescents, the health impacts from thus chronic low-dose gamma-radiation w ere of great concern. This article is to review all studies related to physica l growth on children with radiation exposure since turn of this century. Se veral animal studies have demonstrated strong correlation between bone growth and both dose and age of radiation exposure. In human population studies, like those atomic bomb survivors of Hiroshima and Nagasaki and children received r adiotherapy, apparent adverse effects were shown in their physical growth. Bes ides epiphyseal plate, several endocrine organs or tissue were also shown susc eptible to radiation exposure. Results of these studies will be of significant i1.Importance to similar studies conducted population with chronic low-dose r adiation exposure in Taiwan.2.Evaluation of Physical Growth in Children with C hronic Low-Dose g-Radiation in Taipei City and CountySeveral animal studies ha ve demonstrated strong correlation between bone growth and both dose and age o f radiation exposure. In human population studies, like those of atomic bomb s urvivors of Hiroshima and Nagasaki and children received radiotherapy, apparen t adverse effects were shown in their physical growth. Physical growth in ch ildren less than 18 years old and with intrauterine, perinatal or childhood ex cessive chronic low-dose g-irradiation from radioactive apartments in Taiwan w ere evaluated in the designed hospitals during a comprehensive medical examina tion in 1995-1996. A total of 3,141 male and 2,973 females age-, sex-, and com munity matched children were enrolled simultaneously as non-exposed reference population. All the height measurements were standardized, accordingly. The st anding heights have been adjusted by a standardized measurement in all hospita ls. Within the exposed, 80 boys and 66 girls with comprehensive dose assessmen t (the Taipei Cumulative Dose 1996 estimation, TCD96; mean + 1S.D. as 165.5?2 41.8 mSv and 117.0+147.7 mSv, respectively) was analyzed by a Mixed-effects li near regression model. It revealed that exposed male or female subjects ere re latively shorter than the age-adjusted median heights of reference population. These observation suggested that chronic low-dose radiation exposure indicate d signi