Summary: | 碩士 === 國立高雄應用科技大學 === 土木工程與防災科技研究所 === 100 === This thesis presents a research on the development and applications of ATF-TSB6 and ATF-TSB8 finite elements for thick to thin piezoelectric beams wherein the interpolation functions are built up based on the fundamental solutions of Mindlin-Reissner plate in order to eliminate the shear locking phenomena occurred in traditional Timoshenko beam elements. The piezoelectric patches are attached on the upper and lower surfaces to serve as actuators and sensors. Hamilton’s principle is employed to derive the equations of motion of the FEM model of smart thick beam embedded with piezoelectric patches in which both flexure and shear effects are included. Simply-supported and clamped thick(L/h=1/0.3) and thin (L/h=1/0.003) beams are taken as the numerical examples. Investigations include: (1) Static displacement Analysis of smart beams, (2) Natural frequencies and vibration modes of smart beams, (3) Optimal vibration control synthesis of smart beams based on SSLQR theory. Parametric study on the effects of attachment positions, mass, stiffness, and piezoelectric constants of piezoelectric patches as well as span-to-depth ratio of beam and piezoelectric patches on the dynamic behaviors and controlled performances of smart beams are conducted in detail. The obtained results are well as expected and the newly developed finite element can be efficiently applied to static, dynamic analysis and control synthesis of smart beams with piezoelectric patches wherein locking phenomenon can be avoided when thin smart beams are investigated.