Summary: | 碩士 === 國立成功大學 === 機械工程學系 === 103 === A 3D numerical model of thermoelectric generator (TEG) modules are attached to a large chimney plate is proposed and solved numerically using a control volume based finite difference formulation. The thermoelectric module consists of a thermoelectric generator, an elliptical pin fin heat sink, a cold plate based on water cooling. In the chimney the temperature of flue gases would be 450-650K. Therefore, both the effects of convection and radiation heat transfer should be considered. Although the TEG hot side temperature and thus the electric power output can be increased through inserting elliptical pin-fin heat sink into the chimney tunnel to increase the heat transfer area, the pin fin heat sink would cause extra pumping power at the same time. On the whole, the main purpose of this study is to analyze the effects of the geometrical parameters on both the electric power output and the chimney pressure drop characteristics. In addition, the effects of different operating conditions, including different inlet velocities (Vin = 1、3、5 m/s) and different inlet temperatures (Tgas = 450、550、650K) are also discussed in detail. The predicted numerical data for the power vs. current (P-I) curve are in good agreement (within 11%) with the experimental data.