Team members` perspectives on communication after the transition to virtual teams due to the COVID-19 outbreak.

The outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic has strongly impacted the global workplace. A great number of organizations which had never before allowed their employees to work from home now do so. Many co-located, traditional teams have changed their work setting to virtual, and have become virtual teams....

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Zoltek, Gabriela Anna
Format: Others
Published: Karlstads universitet, Handelshögskolan (from 2013) 2021
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Summary:The outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic has strongly impacted the global workplace. A great number of organizations which had never before allowed their employees to work from home now do so. Many co-located, traditional teams have changed their work setting to virtual, and have become virtual teams. The aim of this study was to examine how team members have perceived communication in teams after the transition from traditional to virtual teams. Individual interviews were chosen as a study method. The collected data has been analyzed with help of a thematic analysis framework. The study results have indicated that the transition has impacted communication and coordination in virtual teams. The interviewed team members have experienced communication barriers. The crucial factor indicated by the interviewed team members as influencing teamwork has been lack of physical meetings and face-to-face communication. The affected areas are socializing, information and knowledge sharing and coordination. Accordingly, the study results have confirmed that, despite the continuous improvements in virtual communication tools, there is still value in face-to-face communication. Moreover, the study has showed that productivity in virtual teams has improved, which might be a result of experienced individual and team autonomy. The interviewed team members of virtual teams have assessed their digital readiness in terms of using different digital tools and services as good, which has allowed them to perform their duties effectively. The study results have contributed to the existed body of research on virtual teams and indicated the areas of further investigations. === Utbrottet av COVID-19 pandemin har kraftigt påverkat den globala arbetsmarknaden. En stor del av organisationer som aldrig tidigare tillåtit sina anställda arbeta hemifrån tillåter det nu. Många tidigare samlokaliserade, traditionella team har fått ändra sitt arbetssätt och bli virtuella team. Studiens syfte var att undersöka hur projektmedlemmar upplevt kommunikation i team efter omställningen från traditionella till virtuella team. Individuella intervjuer har valts som metod för att genomföra studien. Insamlade material har analyserats med hjälp av tematisk analys. Resultat av denna studie har påvisat att omställningen påverkat kommunikation och koordination i virtuella team. De intervjuade projektmedlemmarna har upplevt begränsningar i kommunikationen. Den avgörande faktorn som haft inflyttande över teamarbetet har visat sig vara avsaknad av fysiska möten och face-to-face kommunikation. De områden som berörs är social sammanhållning, informationsdelning och kunskapsdelning samt koordination. Därmed har resultatet visat att trots utvecklingen av digitala verktyg, ska vikten av face-to-face kommunikation inte underskattas. Studien har dessutom påvisat att produktivitet i virtuella team ökat, vilket kan vara ett resultat av projektmedlemmarnas upplevelse av individuell and team autonomi. De intervjuade projektmedlemmarna av virtuella team har bedömt sina kunskaper inom olika digitala verktyg som goda, vilket möjliggjort ett effektivt arbete. Resultatet av denna studie har bidragit till befintlig forskning om virtuella team och har identifierat områden som behöver undersökas närmare.