Summary: | This work focuses on the creation of asocial game for older late-blind players,using participatory design.Even though the board game industry isbooming, accessible versions are scarceand since a substantial part of games areprimarily based on visual stimuli they arerather hard or impossible to translate intoa tactile version.Therefore, this thesis wants to criticise thenorm of abled-bodieness in boardgamesand uses co-design to create a new kindof social game, which renounces the useof exclusive visual game mechanics andintroduces an audio-tactile approach.Spenuzzis structure for participatorydesign and a norm-crititcal/creativeapproach were, nex t to the MDAframework, used as tools. For the gatheringof essential informat ion about theplaying habits of older late-blind people a workshop in co-operation with theorganisation “Blannenvereenegung” washeld with 3 older legally blind participants.Using their tacit knowledge as well as avariety of different materials and gamemechanics, possibilities and hurdles wereable to be identified. The information thatnone of them was able to read Braille, orplay any adapted games, was essentialinformation in rethinking the creation ofan accessible board game and revealedthe importance of this work. The need foraccessible leisure time activities,for thisgrowing part of society is evident.Furthermore,the game should be availableto a great audience. Hence, an instructionwas designed, which makes it easy toreproduce and to adapt to the needs ofthe individuals playing with it.This work shows that an inclusive gamedoes not need any sophisticated materials.