Summary: | Let G be a finite group. Given a contravariant, product preserving functor F:G-sets → AB, we construct a Green-functor A(F):G-sets → CRNG which specializes to the Burnside ring functor when F is trivial. A(F) permits a natural addition and multiplication between elements in the various groups F(S), S ∈ G-sets. If G is the Galois group of a field extension L/K, and SEP denotes the category of K-algebras which are isomorphic with a finite product of subfields of L, then any covariant, product preserving functor ρ:SEP → AB induces a functor Fᵨ:G → AB, and thus the Green-functor Aᵨ may be obtained. We use this observation for the case ρ = Br, the Brauer group functor, and show that Aᵦᵣ(G/G) is free on K-algebra isomorphism classes of division algebras with center in SEP. We then interpret the induction theory of Mackey-functors in this context. For a certain class of functors F, the structure of A(F) is especially tractable; for these functors we deduce that (DIAGRAM OMITTED), where the product is over isomorphism class representatives of transitive G-sets. This allows for the computation of the prime ideals of A(F)(G/G), and for an explicit structure theorem for Aᵦᵣ, when G is the Galois group of a p-adic field. We finish by considering the case when G = Gal(L/Q), for an arbitrary number field L.