Beamforming for radio astronomy

Thesis (MEng) -- Stellenbosch University, 2014. === ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Beamforming is a technique used to combine signals from an array of antennas to effectively synthesize a single aperture and beam. In the Radio Astronomy community the technique is used to obtain a desirable beam pattern as well...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Van Tonder, Vereese
Other Authors: Davidson, David B.
Format: Others
Published: Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University 2015
Online Access:
Summary:Thesis (MEng) -- Stellenbosch University, 2014. === ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Beamforming is a technique used to combine signals from an array of antennas to effectively synthesize a single aperture and beam. In the Radio Astronomy community the technique is used to obtain a desirable beam pattern as well as to electronically point the beam of an array. Next generation radio telescopes such as the Square Kilometre Array (SKA) surpass current technology and will extensively make use of beamforming techniques. Various factors determine the output of a beamformer; however, given an array with a fixed configuration only the weights applied to the incoming signals affect the synthesized aperture and beam. Furthermore, the incoming data must be processed in real-time, at a rate equal to the input-output rate of the processor. Both the weighting function and the real-time implementation of beamforming, are the primary subjects of this thesis. In this thesis various deterministic weighting functions are investigated. The algorithms are implemented in a matlab program, serving as a simulation tool for investigating the techniques. The program is verified by comparing the expected theoretical outcomes to the simulated output. For the program the following functionalities are included: a steering technique, spectral weighting, Dolph-Chebychev, and the Least Square Error algorithm. Applications of these techniques is investigated and their prominence in the Radio Astronomy community is established. For the real-time beamformer implementation, the UniBoard platform configured with beamformer firmware, is investigated. This is important as the UniBoard is an excellent example of a beamformer implementation within the Radio Astronomy community. The architecture is used to emulate a linear array by implementing a python control script, where the output corresponded accurately with the expected theoretical values. The thesis also constitutes the design and implementation of a digital frequency domain beamformer on the ROACH board. This processing board is employed by the Karoo Array Telescope (KAT-7) in South Africa. This work is therefore important as it demonstrates a beamformer implementation on an architecture in use by the Radio Astronomy community. An antenna array is designed and built for the verification of the beamformer design. Results with a good degree of accuracy were obtained and where errors exist they are discussed. === AFRIKKANSE OPSOMMING: Bundelvorming is ’n tegniek waarmee die seine van ’n antenna samestelling gekombineer word om ’n enkele effektiewe stralingsvlak en stralingspatroon te sintiseer. In die Radio Astronomie gemeenskap word die tegniek gebruik om ’n gewenste stralingspatroon te sintiseer sowel as om die rigting van die patroon elektronies te beheer. Die Square Kilometre Array (SKA) is ’n toekomstige radioteleskoop en sal grootliks gebruik maak van bundelvorming tegnieke. Die uitset van bundelvormers word geaffekteer deur verskeie faktore, maar vir ’n gegewe samestelling is dit net die gewigsfunksies wat toegepas word op die inkomende seine wat die gesintiseerde patroon kan beheer. Verder moet die inkomende data verwerk word teen ’n tempo gelykstaande aan die inset-en-uitsetkoers van die verwerker. Die gewigsfunksie so wel as die implementasie van die bundelvormer is albei primêre onderwerpe van die tesis. ’n Verskeindenheid van deterministiese bundelvormingstegnieke sal ondersoek word in hierdie tesis. Die algoritmes is in ’n matlab program geïmplementeer vir simulasie doeleindes. Die program is geverifieër deur die uitset te vergelyk met die verwagte teoretiese waardes. Die program sluit die volgende funksies in: ’n rigting beheer algoritme, spektraalgewigte, Dolph-Chebychev, en die minste vierkantsfout algoritme. Hierdie tegnieke is van belang weens hul toepassing in die Radio Astronomie gemeenskap. Vir die implementasie van ’n bundelvormer is die UniBoard hardeware, geprogrameer in ’n bundelvormings modus, van gebruik gemaak. Hierdie aspek is belangrik omdat die Uni- Board ’n goeie voorbeeld van ’n geïmplementeerde bundelvormer in die Radio Astronomie gemeenskap is. Die UniBoard word gebruik om ’n lineêre samestelling te emuleer deur in python ’n beheer skrip te skryf, waar die uitset van die emuleerder akkuraat ooreenstem met die verwagte waardes. Die tesis behels ook die ontwerp en implementasie van ’n digitale frekwensiegebied bundelvormer op die ROACH platform. Hierdie verwerker word tans gebruik in die Karoo Array Telescope (KAT-7) in Suid-Afrika. Hierdie werk is dus belangrik omdat dit die implementasie van ’n bundelvormer op tegnologie wat huidiglik in die Radio Astronomie gemeenskap gebruik word demonstreer. Daarbenewens is ’n antenna samestelling ontwerp en gebou om die bundelvormer te verifieër. Die resultate is akkuraat tot ’n redelike mate. Waar daar ’n fout onstaan het word dit in die tesis bespreek.