Basic English and a young foreign language learner

The topic of thesis is teaching of English vocabulary at the lower levels of the Finnish comprehensive school after a three-year-study. The target group of the research is 77 11-year-old non-native English language learners. Material consisted of vocabulary tasks that were answered by pupils in the...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Pekkarinen, A.-M. (Anne-Maria)
Format: Dissertation
Published: University of Oulu 2013
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Summary:The topic of thesis is teaching of English vocabulary at the lower levels of the Finnish comprehensive school after a three-year-study. The target group of the research is 77 11-year-old non-native English language learners. Material consisted of vocabulary tasks that were answered by pupils in the written form. The research problem was to find out whether word lists were suited for educational purposes and empirically examine vocabulary competence of a young, non-native foreign language learner. The theoretical part consists of Basic English word list compiled by Charles Kay Ogden, classification of words and some questions involved in language teaching. In the empirical part research method used was counting word frequencies in learners’ answers and comparing them with Basic English word list. The most essential research results were announced as word findings divided into word classes and explained verbally and in the form of tables. Purpose of the research was to find out whether language used by learners was Basic English or not. === Tutkielman aiheena on englannin kielen sanaston opettaminen suomalaisen peruskoulun ala-asteella kolmen opiskeluvuoden jälkeen. Tutkimuksen kohderyhmänä on 77 11-vuotiasta ei-syntyperäistä englannin kielen oppijaa. Aineistona ovat sanastotehtävät, joihin oppilaat vastasivat kirjallisesti. Tutkimusongelma on ottaa selville, ovatko sanalistat soveltuvia opetustarkoituksiin ja tutkia kokeellisesti nuoren, ei-syntyperäisen oppijan sanaston osaaminen. Teoriaosa koostuu Charles Kay Ogdenin Basic English sanalistasta ja kielen opettamiseen liittyvistä kysymyksistä. Empiirisessä osassa käytetty tutkimusmenetelmä oli laskea sanatiheyksiä oppijoiden vastauksista ja verrata niitä Basic English sanalistaan. Keskeiset tutkimusmenetelmät ilmoitettiin sanalöydöksinä jaettuna sanaluokkiin ja selitettiin sanallisesti ja taulukoiden muodossa Tutkielman tarkoituksena oli selvittää, onko oppijoiden käyttämä kieli perusenglantia vai ei.