Summary: | Combustible carbon-based energy is still prevailing as the world’s leading energy due to its high energy density. However, the oxidation of these hydrocarbons disturbs the natural carbon cycle greatly by increasing greenhouse gases. As emission legislation becomes more rigorous, lean premixed combustion becomes promising because it can reduce nitrogen oxides (NOx) and Carbon Monoxide (CO) emissions without compromising efficiency. However, utilising lean premixed flames in industrial combustors is not easy because of its thermo-acoustic instabilities associated with pressure fluctuations and the non-linearity in the mean reaction rate. Therefore, reliable predictive combustion models are required to predict emissions with sensible computational costs to use the mode efficiently in designing environmentally friendly combustion systems. Along with the promising methodologies capable of modelling turbulent premixed flames with low computational costs is the ERN-RANS framework. Thus, this study aims to compute a bluff-body stabilised premixed flames close to blow-Off using the ERN-RANS framework. As a result, a satisfactory agreement is reached between the predicted and measured values. © 2022 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.