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    by Franziska Heimburger is a PhD student at the EHESS Paris working under the joint supervision of Christophe Prochasson (EHESS Paris) and John Horne (Trinity College Dublin). Her thesis, Language questions in the Allied coalition on the Western Front during the First World War, focuses on military interpreters and, more generally, on languages in Allied coalition warfare during the First World War. She held a French government “allocation de recherche” from 2008 to 2011 and she is currently Attaché Temporaire d’Enseignement et Recherche at the EHESS. The multidisciplinary approach leading her research allowed her to intervene in various international conferences on history and humanities, such as the International Society for First World War Studies 6th Biennial Conference (Innsbruck, 2011). Among her forthcoming publications: Fighting Together: Language Issues in the Military Coordination of First World War Allied Coalition Warfare, in Languages at War. Policies and Practices of Language Contacts in Conflict, Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmilliman., Émilien Ruiz is a PhD student in Contemporary History at the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales (EHESS). His thesis Trop de fonctionnaires? La question des effectifs de l’État dans la France du XXe siècle focuses on different aspects of the evolution of government officials in France from 1880 to 1980. He taught methodology of historical research, contemporary history and informatics for history at the EHESS at the Paris Diderot University. From 2012 he works as assistant of Professor Paul-André Rosental at the Institut of Political Sciences of Paris (URL: < >). He cofounded – with Franziska Heimburger – “La Boite à Outils des Historiens” (URL: < >), a blog on informatics’ tools for history and maintains the blog “Devenir historien-ne” (URL: < >), about methods of historical research and historiography. Among his recent publications: «Compter: l’invention de la statistique des fonctionnaires en France (années 1890-1930)», in BEZES, Philippe, JOIN-LAMBERT, Odile (dir.), «Comment se font les administrations», in Sociologie du Travail, 52, 2/2010, pp. 212-233.
    Published 2012-06-01
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    by * Corresponding author: University of Windesheim, Zwolle, The Netherlands Email: Submitted for publication: 3rd November 2017 Accepted for publication: 12th March 2018 Published: 16th May 2018 Abstract Context: This critical reflection is about the positive effects for educational and research settings of participation in a two-day programme entitled ‘Using participatory action research and appreciative inquiry to research healthcare practice’. Aims: To reflect on the journey of positive developments in research and education that started with participation in this programme. Using Caring Conversations (Dewar, 2011) as a reflective framework of questions, this article discusses the journey in order to encourage others to consider the approach of appreciative inquiry to bring to life the concept of co-creation in research and education. Conclusions and implications for practice: Participation in this programme has led to the implementation of a variety of actions in educational and research settings. Central to all these actions is an appreciative approach to co-creation as a counterpart to today’s prevailing problem-based viewpoint. A possible factor behind these developments was the power of vulnerability experienced during the programme, a shared process of transformational learning. Implications for practice: This critical reflection: Provides an invitation to shift from a problem-based focus to a positive revolution Provides an appreciative reflective story about the power of vulnerability as an inspiration for others to move out of their comfort zone and seek to discover their own exceptionality Supports a shift from a facilitator-led to a co-creation approach in doing research and teaching with older adults Keywords: Emotional touchpoints, appreciative inquiry, Caring Conversations, practice development, co-creation, transformational learning theory   IDEAS AND INFLUENCES Person-centred healthcare research: a personal influence Hazel M. Chapman
    Published 2018-05-01
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    by When investigating the novel’s system of one or an- other writer, main themes of his works can be pointed out, to understand what problems inherent that time the writer describes. In this article, relying on Vasily Dubin’s novel trilogy “Anka”, the author investigates the develop- ment and resolution of the main plot-forming conflict. The author proves that in trilogy of Vasiliy Diubin “Anca” the main plot-forming conflict is interpersonal artistic conflict caused by different ideological positions of the heroes. In all trilogy works (“Bronzovaea Kosa”, “Shtorm” and “Seinery uhodeat v more”) the combination of dif- ferent types of secondary conflicts (poly-conflicts) are presented: military, social, ideological, love and others. In this research, when investigating the artistic conflict shown in trilogy of Vasiliy Diubin “Anka”, the author of article shows conditionality of “internal” and “external” conflicts by changing the social formation. The article notes that citing on novel’s form, Vasiliy Diubin raises the problems inherent that time: the becoming of a new socio-economic system, the formation of a new way of farming, the defense of the fatherland from a foreign en- emy. So, as studies show the real events and conflicts that took the form of an artistic conflict in the novel play the role of the exponent of author’s ideas.
    Published 2017-12-01
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    by Izabel Cecilia Ferreira de Souza Vicentin, Carlos Henrique Marchi, Antonio Carlos Foltran, Diego Moro, Nicholas Dicati Pereira da Silva, Marcos Carvalho Campos, Luciano Kiyoshi Araki, J. Aerosp. Technol. Manag., São José dos Campos, v11, e3819, 2019 ORIGINAL PAPER 1.Universidade Federal do Paraná – Setor de Ciências Exatas – Engenharia Mecânica – Curitiba/PR – Brazil. 2.Universidade Positivo – Engenharia Mecânica – Curitiba/PR – Brazil. *Correspondence author: Received: Feb. 6, 2018 | Accepted: Oct. 30, 2018 Section Editor: T John Tharakan ABSTRACT: Accurate determination of heat flux is an important task not only in the designing aspect, but also in the performance analysis of rocket engines. In this purpose, this work deals with the heat flux determination in a combustion chamber through the inverse method. In this approach, the transient heat flux is determined from the experimental temperature data measured at the outer sidewall of the rocket engine. In this work the physical phenomenon was modeled by the transient one-dimensional heat equation in cylindrical coordinates and the material properties of the chamber were considered constant. Furthermore, the model is solved using the inverse heat conduction problem with least squares modified by the addition of Tikhonov regularization term of zero-order. Moreover, the sensitivity coefficients were obtained by Duhamel’s theorem. Through the regularization parameter, it was able to generate acceptable results even when using data with considerable experimental errors. KEYWORDS: Combustion chambers, Heat flux, Heat conduction, Ill-posed problems. INTRODUCTION In a thrust chamber (nozzle and combustion chamber), the amount of energy transferred as heat to the chamber walls is between 0.5% and 5% of the total generated energy (Sutton 1992). Nevertheless, this amount could be enough to cause structural failure. Thus, to prevent the chamber and nozzle walls from failing, it is necessary to predict the heat flux accurately. Furthermore, accurate determination of heat flux is also important in the calculation of rocket engine performance and for the cooling system design. Convective and radiative heat transfer must be determined for characterization of total heat flux. The convective heat transfer coefficient typically depends on many fluid physical properties. The computation of the radiation heat transfer must be accounted by the surfaces emissivity and the absorption and scattering coefficients of the fluid mixture. However, information about these parameters is not always easily found. Considering the propellant applied in this work (potassium nitrate with sucrose, KNSu), the combustion products that affects radiation heat transfer are predominantly Theoretical and Experimental Heat Transfer in Solid Propellant Rocket Engine Izabel Cecilia Ferreira de Souza Vicentin1,*, Carlos Henrique Marchi1, Antonio Carlos Foltran1, Diego Moro1,2, Nicholas Dicati Pereira da Silva1, Marcos Carvalho Campos1, Luciano Kiyoshi Araki1, Alysson Nunes Diógenes
    Published 2019-08-01
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    by Otto Laub, Georg Leipold, Antoaneta A. Toncheva, David Peterhoff, David Peterhoff, Sebastian Einhauser, Patrick Neckermann, Natascha Borchers, Elisangela Santos-Valente, Parastoo Kheiroddin, Heike Buntrock-Döpke, Heike Buntrock-Döpke, Sarah Laub, Patricia Schöberl, Patricia Schöberl, Andrea Schweiger-Kabesch, Dominik Ewald, Michael Horn, Jakob Niggel, Andreas Ambrosch, Klaus Überla, Stephan Gerling, Susanne Brandstetter, Susanne Brandstetter, Ralf Wagner, Ralf Wagner, Michael Kabesch, Michael Kabesch, Corona Virus Antibodies in Children from Bavaria (CoKiBa) Study Group, Bettina Aichholzer, Georg Mair, Michaela Wruk, Imke Reischl, David Antos, Stephan von Koskull, Christian Becker, Elisabeth Beer, Hubert Schirmer, Georg Birkinger, Andreas Blueml, Mona Castrop, Jost Dieckerhoff, Renate Eichhorn, Dominik Ewald, Gudrun Fleck, Alfred Heihoff, Jürgen Geuder, Jens Grombach, Peter Gutdeutsch, Florian Segerer, Thomas Habash, Sonja Habash, Susanne Harner, Christoph Herbst, Daniela Heuschmann, Meike Hofmann, Michael Horn, Birgit Jork-Kaeferlein, Monika Schwarz, Reinhard Hopfner, Guido Judex, Bastian Baumgartner, Monika Corbacioglu, Sabrina Lindner, Bettina Meinel, Alena Bauer, Hannes Löw, Annamaria Szulagyi-Kovacs, Michael Kabesch, Annegret Klein, Cosima Koering, Niclas Landvogt, Claudia Soehngen, Karin Rasp, Gudrun Schick-Niedermeier, Marinus Laub, Otto Laub, Georg Leipold, Petra Schmid-Seibold, Johannes Pawlak, Michaela Reitz, Georg Puchner, Christiane Razeghi, Stefan Razeghi, Christine Rehe, Klaus Rehe, Matthias Scheffel, Ludwig Kaesbauer, Roland Schmid, Michael Strobelt, Nina Schoetzau, Marko Senjor, Michael Sperlich, Guenter Theuerer, Guenter Steidle, German Tretter, Victor von Arnim, Marlene Volz-Fleckenstein
    Published 2021-10-01
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    by Daniel L. McCartney, Josine L. Min, Rebecca C. Richmond, Ake T. Lu, Maria K. Sobczyk, Gail Davies, Linda Broer, Xiuqing Guo, Ayoung Jeong, Jeesun Jung, Silva Kasela, Seyma Katrinli, Pei-Lun Kuo, Pamela R. Matias-Garcia, Pashupati P. Mishra, Marianne Nygaard, Teemu Palviainen, Amit Patki, Laura M. Raffield, Scott M. Ratliff, Tom G. Richardson, Oliver Robinson, Mette Soerensen, Dianjianyi Sun, Pei-Chien Tsai, Matthijs D. van der Zee, Rosie M. Walker, Xiaochuan Wang, Yunzhang Wang, Rui Xia, Zongli Xu, Jie Yao, Wei Zhao, Adolfo Correa, Eric Boerwinkle, Pierre-Antoine Dugué, Peter Durda, Hannah R. Elliott, Christian Gieger, The Genetics of DNA Methylation Consortium, Eco J. C. de Geus, Sarah E. Harris, Gibran Hemani, Medea Imboden, Mika Kähönen, Sharon L. R. Kardia, Jacob K. Kresovich, Shengxu Li, Kathryn L. Lunetta, Massimo Mangino, Dan Mason, Andrew M. McIntosh, Jonas Mengel-From, Ann Zenobia Moore, Joanne M. Murabito, NHLBI Trans-Omics for Precision Medicine (TOPMed) Consortium, Miina Ollikainen, James S. Pankow, Nancy L. Pedersen, Annette Peters, Silvia Polidoro, David J. Porteous, Olli Raitakari, Stephen S. Rich, Dale P. Sandler, Elina Sillanpää, Alicia K. Smith, Melissa C. Southey, Konstantin Strauch, Hemant Tiwari, Toshiko Tanaka, Therese Tillin, Andre G. Uitterlinden, David J. Van Den Berg, Jenny van Dongen, James G. Wilson, John Wright, Idil Yet, Donna Arnett, Stefania Bandinelli, Jordana T. Bell, Alexandra M. Binder, Dorret I. Boomsma, Wei Chen, Kaare Christensen, Karen N. Conneely, Paul Elliott, Luigi Ferrucci, Myriam Fornage, Sara Hägg, Caroline Hayward, Marguerite Irvin, Jaakko Kaprio, Deborah A. Lawlor, Terho Lehtimäki, Falk W. Lohoff, Lili Milani, Roger L. Milne, Nicole Probst-Hensch, Alex P. Reiner, Beate Ritz, Jerome I. Rotter, Jennifer A. Smith, Jack A. Taylor, Joyce B. J. van Meurs, Paolo Vineis, Melanie Waldenberger, Ian J. Deary, Caroline L. Relton, Steve Horvath, Riccardo E. Marioni
    Published 2021-06-01
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    by John M. Olson, Cory J. Evans, Kathy T. Ngo, Hee Jong Kim, Joseph Duy Nguyen, Kayla G. H. Gurley, Truc Ta, Vijay Patel, Lisa Han, Khoa T. Truong-N, Letty Liang, Maggie K. Chu, Hiu Lam, Hannah G. Ahn, Abhik Kumar Banerjee, In Young Choi, Ross G. Kelley, Naseem Moridzadeh, Awais M. Khan, Omair Khan, Szuyao Lee, Elizabeth B. Johnson, Annie Tigranyan, Jay Wang, Anand D. Gandhi, Manish M. Padhiar, Joseph Hargan Calvopina, Kirandeep Sumra, Kristy Ou, Jessie C. Wu, Joseph N. Dickan, Sabrena M. Ahmadi, Donald N. Allen, Van Thanh Mai, Saif Ansari, George Yeh, Earl Yoon, Kimberly Gon, John Y. Yu, Johnny He, Jesse M. Zaretsky, Noemi E. Lee, Edward Kuoy, Alexander N. Patananan, Daniel Sitz, PhuongThao Tran, Minh-Tu Do, Samira J. Akhave, Silverio D. Alvarez, Bobby Asem, Neda Asem, Nicole A. Azarian, Arezou Babaesfahani, Ahmad Bahrami, Manjeet Bhamra, Ragini Bhargava, Rakesh Bhatia, Subir Bhatia, Nicholas Bumacod, Jonathan J. Caine, Thomas A. Caldwell, Nicole A. Calica, Elise M. Calonico, Carman Chan, Helen H.-L. Chan, Albert Chang, Chiaen Chang, Daniel Chang, Jennifer S. Chang, Nauman Charania, Jasmine Y. Chen, Kevin Chen, Lu Chen, Yuyu Chen, Derek J. Cheung, Jesse J. Cheung, Jessica J. Chew, Nicole B. Chew, Cheng-An Tony Chien, Alana M. Chin, Chee Jia Chin, Youngho Cho, Man Ting Chou, Ke-Huan K. Chow, Carolyn Chu, Derrick M. Chu, Virginia Chu, Katherine Chuang, Arunit Singh Chugh, Mark R. Cubberly, Michael Guillermo Daniel, Sangita Datta, Raj Dhaliwal, Jenny Dinh, Dhaval Dixit, Emmylou Dowling, Melinda Feng, Christopher M. From, Daisuke Furukawa, Himaja Gaddipati, Lilit Gevorgyan, Zunera Ghaznavi, Tulika Ghosh, Jaskaran Gill, David J. Groves, Kalkidan K. Gurara, Ali R. Haghighi, Alexandra L. Havard, Nasser Heyrani, Tanya Hioe, Kirim Hong, Justin J. Houman, Molly Howland, Elaine L. Hsia, Justin Hsueh, Stacy Hu, Andrew J. Huang, Jasmine C. Huynh, Jenny Huynh, Chris Iwuchukwu, Michael J. Jang, An An Jiang, Simran Kahlon, Pei-Yun Kao, Manpreet Kaur, Matthew G. Keehn, Elizabeth J. Kim, Hannah Kim, Michelle J. Kim, Shawn J. Kim, Aleksandar Kitich, Ross A. Kornberg, Nicholas G. Kouzelos, Jane Kuon, Bryan Lau, Roger K. Lau, Rona Law, Huy D. Le, Rachael Le, Carrou Lee, Christina Lee, Grace E. Lee, Kenny Lee, Michelle J. Lee, Regina V. Lee, Sean H. K. Lee, Sung Kyu Lee, Sung-Ling D. Lee, Yong Jun Lee, Megan J. Leong, David M. Li, Hao Li, Xingfu Liang, Eric Lin, Michelle M. Lin, Peter Lin, Tiffany Lin, Stacey Lu, Serena S. Luong, Jessica S. Ma, Li Ma, Justin N. Maghen, Sravya Mallam, Shivtaj Mann, Jason H. Melehani, Ryan C. Miller, Nitish Mittal, Carmel M. Moazez, Susie Moon, Rameen Moridzadeh, Kaley Ngo, Hanh H. Nguyen, Kambria Nguyen, Thien H. Nguyen, Angela W. Nieh, Isabella Niu, Seo-Kyung Oh, Jessica R. Ong, Randi K. Oyama, Joseph Park, Yaelim A. Park, Kimberly A. Passmore, Ami Patel, Amy A. Patel, Dhruv Patel, Tirth Patel, Katherine E. Peterson, An Huynh Pham, Steven V. Pham, Melissa E. Phuphanich, Neil D. Poria, Alexandra Pourzia, Victoria Ragland, Riki D. Ranat, Cameron M. Rice, David Roh, Solomon Rojhani, Lili Sadri, Agafe Saguros, Zainab Saifee, Manjot Sandhu, Brooke Scruggs, Lisa M. Scully, Vanessa Shih, Brian A. Shin, Tamir Sholklapper, Harnek Singh, Sumedha Singh, Sondra L. Snyder, Katelyn F. Sobotka, Sae Ho Song, Siddharth Sukumar, Halley C. Sullivan, Mark Sy, Hande Tan, Sara K. Taylor, Shivani K. Thaker, Tulsi Thakore, Gregory E. Tong, Jacinda N. Tran, Jonathan Tran, Tuan D. Tran, Vivi Tran, Cindy L. Trang, Hung G. Trinh, Peter Trinh, Han-Ching H. Tseng, Ted T. Uotani, Akram V. Uraizee, Kent K. T. Vu, Kevin K. T. Vu, Komal Wadhwani, Paluk K. Walia, Rebecca S. Wang, Shuo Wang, Stephanie J. Wang, Danica D. Wiredja, Andrew L. Wong, Daniel Wu, Xi Xue, Griselda Yanez, Yung-Hsuan Yang, Zhong Ye, Victor W. Yee, Cynthia Yeh, Yue Zhao, Xin Zheng, Anke Ziegenbalg, Jon Alkali, Ida Azizkhanian, Akash Bhakta, Luke Berry, Ryen Castillo, Sonja Darwish, Holly Dickinson, Ritika Dutta, Rahul Kumar Ghosh, Riley Guerin, Jonathan Hofman, Garrick Iwamoto, Sarah Kang, Andrew Kim, Brian Kim, Hanwool Kim, Kristine Kim, Suji Kim, Julie Ko, Michael Koenig, Alejandro LaRiviere, Clifton Lee, Jiwon Lee, Brandon Lung, Max Mittelman, Mark Murata, Yujin Park, Daniel Rothberg, Ben Sprung-Keyser, Kunal Thaker, Vivian Yip, Paul Picard, Francie Diep, Nikki Villarasa, Volker Hartenstein, Casey Shapiro, Marc Levis-Fitzgerald, Leslie Jaworski, David Loppato, Ira E. Clark, Utpal Banerjee
    Published 2019-11-01
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    Other Authors: ...CCIP grant (Collaboration, Capacity and IP Develop-ment) fund from the University of Bradford....
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    Other Authors: ...This research was supported by an award from the National Institutes of Health, the Eunice Kennedy...
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    by Shimada, Taketo
    Published 2012
    Other Authors: ... in one place I would move from hotel to hotel everyday. The end product is a narrative structured...
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    Other Authors: ... coolers, these systems suffer from their limited applications in terms of air circulation and small rate...
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    by Mar, Erik Chia-Kong
    Published 2012
    Other Authors: ...Ellen Dunham-Jones.Yet we remain far from a theoretical or philosophical consensus regarding...
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