Julian Crane
Julian Crane is a fictional character from the American soap opera ''Passions'' portrayed by original cast member Ben Masters.In the soap's early years, Julian is portrayed as a drunken philanderer who shares an antagonistic, loveless marriage with his wife of over twenty years, Ivy Crane. Though he tries to exude an image of confidence and power, Julian is in actuality desperate for his father's approval and becomes something of a villain, aiding his father in his attempts to separate Julian's sister, Sheridan, from her fiancé, Luis.
Julian eventually discovers that Ivy's ex-boyfriend, Sam Bennett, fathered Julian and Ivy's eldest son, Ethan; Julian is furious and privately heartbroken to learn the truth and divorces Ivy. Julian later marries both Theresa Lopez-Fitzgerald and Rebecca Hotchkiss in 2001, though both their marriages are eventually revealed to be invalid, and he is presumed murdered early in 2002. He is eventually revealed to be alive a few months later and embarks upon a magical journey with Tabitha Lenox's doll-turned-real-boy, Timmy, who is able to touch something in Julian's hard heart. After Timmy's death, Julian and his ex-girlfriend, Eve Russell, set out to find their long-lost son, and Julian eventually rekindles his love with Eve, leaving his amoral ways behind him. After becoming engaged, Julian and Eve break up in 2006, leading Julian to revert to philandering and scheming. His relationship with Eve grows complicated, Julian has rediscovers his softer side once more; he has completely abandoned his licentious behavior after this. Provided by Wikipedia
3by David Van Sickle, Sheryl Magzamen, Matthew J Maenner, Julian Crane, Timothy E CordenGet full text
Published 2013-01-01
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6by Yutao Chen, Jun Lu, Kristin Wickens, Thorsten Stanley, Robyn Maude, Peter Stone, Christine Barthow, Julian Crane, Edwin A. Mitchell, Fabrice Merien, Rinki MurphyGet full text
Published 2021-01-01
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7by Julie Bennett, Nicole J. Moreland, Jane Oliver, Julian Crane, Deborah A. Williamson, Dianne Sika-Paotonu, Matire Harwood, Arlo Upton, Susan Smith, Jonathan Carapetis, Michael G. BakerGet full text
Published 2019-07-01
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8by Christine Barthow, Fiona Hood, Eileen McKinlay, Jo Hilder, Christine Cleghorn, Mark Huthwaite, Mark Weatherall, Amber Parry-Strong, Sue Pullon, Ben Gray, Kristin Wickens, Julian Crane, Jeremy KrebsGet full text
Published 2019-07-01
Article -
9by Susan L. Prescott, Alan C. Logan, Glenn Albrecht, Dianne E. Campbell, Julian Crane, Ashlee Cunsolo, John W. Holloway, Anita L. Kozyrskyj, Christopher A. Lowry, John Penders, Nicole Redvers, Harald Renz, Jakob Stokholm, Cecilie Svanes, Ganesa Wegienka, on Behalf of inVIVO Planetary Health, of the Worldwide Universities Network (WUN)Get full text
Published 2018-07-01