Searching for stochastic gravitational waves using data from the two colocated LIGO Hanford detectors

Searches for a stochastic gravitational-wave background (SGWB) using terrestrial detectors typically involve cross-correlating data from pairs of detectors. The sensitivity of such cross-correlation analyses depends, among other things, on the separation between the two detectors: the smaller the se...

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Main Authors: Aasi, J. (Author), Abadie, J. (Author), Abbott, B. P (Author), Abbott, R. (Author), Abbott, T. (Author), Abernathy, M. R (Author), Accadia, T. (Author), Acernese, F. (Author), Adams, C. (Author), Adams, T. (Author), Addesso, P. (Author), Adhikari, Rana X. (Author), Affeldt, C. (Author), Agathos, M. (Author), Aguiar, O. D (Author), Ajith, P. (Author), Allen, B. (Author), Allocca, A. (Author), Amador Ceron, E. (Author), Amariutei, D. (Author), Anderson, R. A (Author), Anderson, S. B (Author), Anderson, W. G (Author), Arai, K. (Author), Araya, M. C (Author), Arceneaux, C. (Author), Areeda, J. S (Author), Ast, S. (Author), Aston, S. M (Author), Astone, P. (Author), Aufmuth, P. (Author), Aulbert, C. (Author), Austin, L. (Author), Aylott, B. E (Author), Babak, S. (Author), Baker, P. T (Author), Ballardin, G. (Author), Ballmer, Stefan W. (Author), Barayoga, J. C (Author), Barker, D. (Author), Barnum, Sam (Author), Barone, F. (Author), Barr, B. (Author), Barsuglia, M. 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(Author), Yakushin, I. (Author), Yamamoto, H. (Author), Yancey, C. C (Author), Yang, H. (Author), Yeaton-Massey, D. (Author), Yoshida, S. (Author), Yum, H. (Author), Yvert, M. (Author), Zadrożny, A. (Author), Zanolin, M. (Author), Zendri, J.-P (Author), Zhang, L. (Author), Zhao, C. (Author), Zhu, H. (Author), Zhu, X. J (Author), Zotov, N. (Author), Zweizig, J. (Author), Barsotti, Lisa (Contributor), Biscans, Sebastien (Contributor), Bodiya, Timothy Paul (Contributor), Donovan, Frederick J. (Contributor), Essick, Reed Clasey (Contributor), Evans, Matthew J. (Contributor), Fritschel, Peter K. (Contributor), Gras, Slawek (Contributor), Isogai, Tomoki (Contributor), Katsavounidis, Erotokritos (Contributor), Kissel, Jeffrey S. (Contributor), MacInnis, Myron E. (Contributor), Mason, Kenneth R. (Contributor), Matichard, Fabrice (Contributor), Mavalvala, Nergis (Contributor), Mittleman, Richard K. (Contributor), Oelker, Eric Glenn (Contributor), Shoemaker, David H. (Contributor), Vaulin, Ruslan (Contributor), Vitale, Salvatore (Contributor), Weiss, Rainer (Contributor), Zhang, Fan (Contributor), Zucker, Michael E. (Contributor), Waldman, S. J. (Contributor), Wipf, C. C. (Contributor), Aggarwal, Nancy,Ph. D.Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Author)
Other Authors: Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Department of Physics (Contributor), MIT Kavli Institute for Astrophysics and Space Research (Contributor), Aggarwal, Nancy (Contributor), Barnum, S. H. (Contributor)
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Published: American Physical Society, 2015-01-13T19:40:42Z.
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