Summary: | 碩士 === 國立雲林科技大學 === 企業管理技術研究所 === 87 === Emotional labor involving regulated displays of emotion posses three characteristics: (1) providing voice or facial contact with the public, (2) being required to produce an emotional state or reaction in the customer, and (3) emotional activities being controled by employers. Emotional labors were hypothesized to result in emotional exhaustion because of their highly emotional job demand. Despite numerous documentation on the antecedents and consequences of occupational stress and burnout, researchers have not examined how the construct as well as other plausible mediated variables-coping strategies and social support - relates to emotional exhaustion. The aim of this study was to investigate the relationships among emotional labor, coping strategies, social support, and emotional exhaustion.
The subjects of this study were mainly first line employees from recreation industries and hotels. Valid sample size from recreation industries was 21, and that from hotel employee sample was 112. Valid response rate of the total sample was 21.66%. Data analysis techniques used in this study included factor analysis, internal consistency analysis, descriptive statistics, correlation analysis, and multiple regression analysis. Important results were as follows.
(1) Emotional labor was not significantly related to emotional exhaustion.
(2) Problem- focused coping strategies was not significantly related to emotional exhaustion; however, emotion- focused coping strategies was positively significant related to emotional exhaustion.
(3) Social support had a significantly negative relation with emotional exhaustion, and supervisor''''s tangible assistance was considered most effective by emotional labors on reducing emotional exhaustion.