Summary: | 碩士 === 國立中興大學 === 畜產學系 === 93 === The aim of this study was to detect the genotypes of genes in association with meat quality in black pigs. Genomic DNA was collected from black pigs for defining the genotype of calcium release channel receptor(CRC), heart-fatty acid binding protein(H-FABP), heat shock protein 70.2(HSP70.2) and rendement napole (RN)genes by PCR-RFLP or by minisequencing method. The same results of genotyping were obtained by either minisequencing or PCR-RFLP method. Genotyping frequencies of each gene in black pigs were
analyzed. The CRC genotype frequencies of AA, AB and BB were 0.871, 0.116 and 0.013, respectively. The H-FABP genotype frequencies of HH, Hh and hh were 0.497, 0.445 and 0.058, respectively; genotype frequencies of DD, Dd and dd were 0.142, 0.523 and 0.335, respectively; genotype frequencies of AA, Aa and aa were 0.200, 0.581 and 0.219, respectively. The most common base combination of five polymorphic sites in 5’-flanking region of HSP70.2 gene at
nt44, nt232, nt250, nt345 and nt393 were CC, CC, AA, TT and CT, respectively, with a frequency of 0.852, 0.839, 0.665, 0.774 and 0.503. The RN genotype frequencies of RN-/RN-, RN-/rn+ and rn+/rn+ were 0.007, 0.029 and 0.963, respectively. The results are potentially useful for breeding to improve the Taiwan black pig performances.