Mapping inequalities in exclusive breastfeeding in low- and middle-income countries, 2000–2018

Exclusive breastfeeding (EBF)—giving infants only breast-milk for the first 6 months of life—is a component of optimal breastfeeding practices effective in preventing child morbidity and mortality. EBF practices are known to vary by population and comparable subnational estimates of prevalence and p...

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Main Authors: Abady, G.G (Author), Abd-Allah, F. (Author), Abdelalim, A. (Author), Abebo, Z.H (Author), Abejie, A.N (Author), Abosetugn, A.E (Author), Abreu, L.G (Author), Abrigo, M.R.M (Author), Abu-Gharbieh, E. (Author), Abushouk, A.I (Author), Adamu, A.L (Author), Adedeji, I.A (Author), Adegbosin, A.E (Author), Adekanmbi, V. (Author), Adetokunboh, O.O (Author), Agudelo-Botero, M. (Author), Aji, B. (Author), Akinyemi, O.O (Author), Alamneh, A.A (Author), Alanezi, F.M (Author), Alanzi, T.M (Author), Albright, J. (Author), Alcalde-Rabanal, J.E (Author), Alemu, B.W (Author), Alhassan, R.K (Author), Ali, B.A (Author), Ali, S. (Author), Alinia, C. (Author), Alipour, V. (Author), Amit, A.M.L (Author), Amugsi, D.A (Author), Anbesu, E.W (Author), Ancuceanu, R. (Author), Anjomshoa, M. (Author), Ansari, F. (Author), Antonio, C.A.T (Author), Anvari, D. (Author), Arabloo, J. (Author), Arora, A. (Author), Artanti, K.D (Author), Asemahagn, M.A (Author), Asmare, W.N (Author), Atout, M.M.W (Author), Ausloos, M. (Author), Awoke, N. (Author), Ayanore, M.A (Author), Aynalem, Y.A (Author), Ayza, M.A (Author), Azene, Z.N (Author), Badiye, A.D (Author), Baig, A.A (Author), Bakkannavar, S.M (Author), Banach, M. (Author), Banik, P.C (Author), Bärnighausen, T.W (Author), Basaleem, H. (Author), Bayati, M. (Author), Baye, B.A (Author), Bedi, N. (Author), Belay, S.A (Author), Bhagavathula, A.S (Author), Bhandari, D. (Author), Bhardwaj, N. (Author), Bhardwaj, P. (Author), Bhattacharjee, N.V (Author), Bhutta, Z.A (Author), Bijani, A. (Author), Birhan, T.A (Author), Birihane, B.M (Author), Bitew, Z.W (Author), Bohlouli, S. (Author), Bohluli, M. (Author), Bojia, H.A (Author), Boloor, A. (Author), Brady, O.J (Author), Bragazzi, N.L (Author), Brunoni, A.R (Author), Budhathoki, S.S (Author), Butt, Z.A (Author), Cárdenas, R. (Author), Castaldelli-Maia, J.M (Author), Castro, F. 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Published: Nature Research 2021
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