Empagliflozin and Clinical Outcomes in Patients With Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus, Established Cardiovascular Disease, and Chronic Kidney Disease

BACKGROUND: Empagliflozin, a sodium-glucose cotransporter 2 inhibitor, reduced cardiovascular morbidity and mortality in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus and established cardiovascular disease in the EMPA-REG OUTCOME trial (Empagliflozin Cardiovascular Outcome Event Trial in Type 2 Diabetes Me...

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Main Authors: EMPA-REG OUTCOME Investigators, Abu Hassan, M (Author), Adawi, F (Author), Adojaan, B (Author), Agafyina, A (Author), Aguilar-Salinas, C (Author), Agung, P (Author), Ahmad, NN (Author), Aiello, A (Author), Aizenberg, D (Author), Ajani, D (Author), Aloi, J (Author), Al-Windy, N (Author), Alzohaili, O (Author), Amod, A (Author), Andersen, J (Author), Anderson, M (Author), Andrade, L (Author), Anspach, R (Author), Antoli, A (Author), Antonypillai, C (Author), Aquitania, G (Author), Aravind, S (Author), Arca, M (Author), Arena, C (Author), Arif, A (Author), Aronoff, S (Author), Artola, S (Author), Arutyunov, G (Author), Aure, P (Author), Austin, B (Author), Avramidis, I (Author), Awad, A (Author), Ayoub, J (Author), Badgandi, M (Author), Balasko, A (Author), Balic, S (Author), Ball, E (Author), Bantwal, G (Author), Barager, W (Author), Baranowski, M (Author), Barbarash, O (Author), Barbarich, V (Author), Barbonta, D (Author), Barker, B (Author), Bashkin, A (Author), Bayly, K (Author), Belenkiy, D (Author), Benatar, J (Author), Benhalima, K (Author), Benroubi, M (Author), Bergenstal, R (Author), Bergman, B (Author), Berlingieri, J (Author), Bertolami, M (Author), Berz, A (Author), Betti, R (Author), Bittar, N (Author), Blakney, E (Author), Blaze, K (Author), Blignaut, S (Author), Boesgaard, TW (Author), Bononi, P (Author), Borges, J (Author), Boscia, J (Author), Boucher, P (Author), Bousboulas, S (Author), Bowden, R (Author), Boyarkin, M (Author), Brandon, D (Author), Bratcher, C (Author), Bravo, LG (Author), Brazao, M (Author), Bressler, P (Author), Breton, C (Author), Bretton, E (Author), Brito, M (Author), Brockmyre, A (Author), Broedl, UC (Author), Brusco, O (Author), Bucci, M (Author), Bulugahapitiya, D (Author), Burgess, L (Author), Burr, R (Author), Burtchuladze, T (Author), Butler, M (Author), Buynak, R (Author), Bystrova, A (Author), Cahill, T (Author), Calabro, P (Author), Calderon, JU (Author), Caldwell, I (Author), Camafort, M (Author), Capiau, L (Author), Castro, M (Author), Catrinoiu, D (Author), Cefalu, W (Author), Chachati, A (Author), Chacra, A (Author), Chan, Y (Author), Chandramouli, A (Author), Chang, H (Author), Chang, K (Author), Chappell, D (Author), Chauhan, A (Author), Chaykin, L (Author), Chee, K (Author), Chehayeb, R (Author), Chen, J (Author), Cherlin, R (Author), Chiang, C (Author), Choksi, M (Author), Choukroun, G (Author), Christensen, P (Author), Christensen, T (Author), Chumakova, G (Author), Cignarelli, M (Author), Clavel, S (Author), Clayton, D (Author), Colfer, H (Author), Colivicchi, F (Author), Colombo, H (Author), Concha, YR (Author), Connery, L (Author), Cosma, D (Author), Couffinhal, T (Author), Courreges, J (Author), Crisan, C (Author), Cruz, H (Author), Cuddihy, R (Author), Curtis, C (Author), Daugenet, C (Author), de Jong, A (Author), De La Rosa, R (Author), De Loredo, L (Author), De Los Santos, G (Author), de Teresa, L (Author), Deerochanawong, C (Author), Dekelver, P (Author), del Canizo, F (Author), Dela Llana, A (Author), d'Emden, M (Author), Denker, P (Author), Deshpande, N (Author), Devers, M (Author), Diaz, J (Author), Dinato, M (Author), DiSanto, L (Author), Distiller, L (Author), do Rosario, FS (Author), Drexel, H (Author), Drvodelic-Sunic, E (Author), Duarte, R (Author), Duarte, S (Author), Dudas, M (Author), Dulgeroff, A (Author), Dunmyer, S (Author), Eagerton, D (Author), Eder, F (Author), Efrati, S (Author), Eliaschewitz, F (Author), Emanuel, S (Author), Engelbrecht, J (Author), Escalante, DM (Author), Escudero, AR (Author), Esip, V (Author), Estour, B (Author), Faludi, A (Author), Farfan, J (Author), Farias, J (Author), Farmer, I (Author), Farris, N (Author), Fasching, P (Author), Feld, L (Author), Feldman, G (Author), Felicio, J (Author), Fernandez-Cruz, A (Author), Fideleff, H (Author), Fillipova, E (Author), Fioretto, P (Author), First, B (Author), Fishman, N (Author), Fitchett, D (Author), Fitz-Patrick, D (Author), Fliesser-Gorzer, E (Author), Flippo, G (Author), Flores, F (Author), Fogelfeld, L (Author), Foo, S (Author), Formagne, L (Author), Fossum, C (Author), Fowler, W (Author), Freedman, Z (Author), Fucili, A (Author), Fung, Y (Author), Furui, K (Author), Gabra, N (Author), Garcia-Ortiz, L (Author), Gardner, T (Author), Garg, N (Author), George, J (Author), Geroo, L (Author), Ghaisas, N (Author), Ghani, RA (Author), Giorgadze, E (Author), Giugliano, G (Author), Glonti, S (Author), Gnasso, A (Author), Godlevska, O (Author), Goldoni, V (Author), Gonkel, F (Author), Gonzalez-Campoy, J (Author), Gottschlich, G (Author), Gouet, D (Author), Govind, U (Author), Goytia-Leos, D (Author), Graf, R (Author), Green, C (Author), Green, F (Author), Gross, J (Author), Gupta, J (Author), Gupta, M (Author), Gupta, S (Author), Gutlapalli, K (Author), Gwon, H (Author), Hadjadj, S (Author), Halimi, J (Author), Halpern, A (Author), Halpern, S (Author), Hammond, G (Author), Hansen, V (Author), Hansen, VR (Author), Hassani, F (Author), Hayashida, C (Author), Heggen, E (Author), Henein, S (Author), Hermans, M (Author), Hernandez, M (Author), Hernandez, PG (Author), Herskovits, T (Author), Heurich, E (Author), Hieshima, K (Author), Higashiue, S (Author), Hippert, R (Author), Hiramatsu, N (Author), Hissa, M (Author), Hoffman, J (Author), Hoffman, K (Author), Hojo, F (Author), Hollanders, G (Author), Hong, T (Author), Hoogslag, P (Author), Houchin, V (Author), Howard, T (Author), Huang, C (Author), Huffman, D (Author), Huntley, R (Author), Hurley, D (Author), Hurtig, U (Author), Hwang, J (Author), Iabluchanskyi, M (Author), Iglesias, M (Author), Iglesias, R (Author), Imran, SA (Author), Inzucchi, SE (Author), Ip, T (Author), Istratoaie, O (Author), Ito, M (Author), Izumino, K (Author), Jacks, R (Author), Jaffe, A (Author), Jain, M (Author), Jain, S (Author), Jakovlev, U (Author), Jaramillo, N (Author), Jaramillo, PL (Author), Jardula, M (Author), Javashvili, L (Author), Jeong, J (Author), Jeong, M (Author), Jinnouchi, H (Author), Juarez, M (Author), Juhasz, F (Author), Juhl, H (Author), Junchaya, JG (Author), Jurgens, J (Author), Jurisic-Erzen, D (Author), Juwana, Y (Author), Kadir, KA (Author), Kaewsuwanna, P (Author), Kang, K (Author), Karamitsos, K (Author), Karim, S (Author), Karlsson, T (Author), Kaser, S (Author), Kasper, J (Author), Kaveh, K (Author), Kawamitsu, K (Author), Kayne, D (Author), Kereiakes, D (Author), Kerstein, H (Author), Keymeulen, B (Author), Khan, B (Author), Khetagurova, F (Author), Khokhlov, A (Author), Khomasuridze, A (Author), Kim, D (Author), Kim, H (Author), Kim, Y (Author), Knopke, C (Author), Kockaerts, Y (Author), Kondo, Y (Author), Konieczny, M (Author), Kooy, A (Author), Koppel, W (Author), Kovalyova, O (Author), Kowaloff, E (Author), Kowalyk, S (Author), Kragten, J (Author), Krarup, T (Author), Krasilnikova, E (Author), Krebs, J (Author), Krekels, M (Author), Kriangsak, P (Author), Krzyzagorska, E (Author), Kulkarni, A (Author), Kurashvili, G (Author), Kurashvili, R (Author), Kus, W (Author), Lachin, JM (Author), Lagrutta, M (Author), Lai, W (Author), Laliotis, A (Author), Lamkanfi, F (Author), Langslet, G (Author), Lanno, R (Author), Lantseva, O (Author), Lastuvka, J (Author), Lee, S (Author), Lehman, R (Author), Leitao, A (Author), Lemarie, B (Author), Lemis, P (Author), Lerman, S (Author), Levins, P (Author), Levinson, L (Author), Lewis, D (Author), Lewy-Alterbaum, L (Author), Libov, I (Author), Lichiardopol, R (Author), Lienart, F (Author), Lihn, AS (Author), Lim, D (Author), Lima, M (Author), Linares, J (Author), Lindenbaum, J (Author), Ling, K (Author), Liss, J (Author), Lisson, R (Author), Liwag, A (Author), Llorente, I (Author), Lochnan, H (Author), Lochorn, G (Author), Lombaard, J (Author), Lominadze, Z (Author), Longshaw, K (Author), Lozano, MT (Author), Lozno, HY (Author), Lu, Y (Author), Lubi, M (Author), Luger, A (Author), Lund, P (Author), Mabire, P (Author), MacAdams, M (Author), Mach, M (Author), Machkova, M (Author), MacRury, S (Author), Maffei, L (Author), Magee, M (Author), Mahood, K (Author), Malano, J (Author), Maldonado, AA (Author), Maldonado, N (Author), Manenti, E (Author), Manes, C (Author), Mangklabruks, A (Author), Marandi, T (Author), Marchionni, N (Author), Mariano, H (Author), Marsilii, A (Author), Matfin, G (Author), Mathieu, C (Author), Mattheus, M (Author), Maw, K (Author), Mayfield, R (Author), Maynard, B (Author), Mazen, E (Author), McKnight, J (Author), Medagama, U (Author), Meleshkevich, T (Author), Mesa, J (Author), Metreveli, D (Author), Mevissen, H (Author), Mezzetti, A (Author), Middleton, A (Author), Militaru, C (Author), Miranda, F (Author), Miranda-Palma, B (Author), Mirosevic, G (Author), Mitha, E (Author), Mohamed, WW (Author), Mohan, V (Author), Mokshagundam, S (Author), Molter, D (Author), Monno, S (Author), Monte, O (Author), Monteiro, P (Author), Moodley, R (Author), Mookadam, M (Author), Morawski, E (Author), Moreno, B (Author), Moro, E (Author), Mortelmans, J (Author), Mosely, J (Author), Mulder, H (Author), Munoz, EC (Author), Mustafa, N (Author), Nadareishvili, L (Author), Nagy, K (Author), Naidoo, D (Author), Naidoo, V (Author), Naidu, J (Author), Nassim, O (Author), Navarro, J (Author), Neto, BG (Author), Nicasio, J (Author), Nierop, P (Author), Nikolaev, K (Author), Nortje, H (Author), Obiekwe, O (Author), Obrezan, A (Author), O'Brien, I (Author), Ocicka-Kozakiewicz, A (Author), Ogorek, M (Author), Okubo, M (Author), Oldenburg-Ligtenberg, P (Author), Olsovsky, J (Author), Omar, M (Author), Onishi, Y (Author), Orlowska-Kunikowska, E (Author), Orr, R (Author), Osea, E (Author), Oskin, T (Author), Osores, JL (Author), Ouellett, A (Author), Ozaki, R (Author), Pacora, FF (Author), Paine, W (Author), Pandey, A (Author), Panelo, A (Author), Pappas, S (Author), Park, H (Author), Park, S (Author), Parmar, P (Author), Patel, A (Author), Patel, N (Author), Patkay, J (Author), Patrick, J (Author), Paulweber, B (Author), Pearson, E (Author), Peniston, J (Author), Peralta, FG (Author), Pereg, V (Author), Perez, G (Author), Persu, A (Author), Petit, C (Author), Petrov, A (Author), Petunina, N (Author), Piaditis, G (Author), Piesiewicz, W (Author), Pillai, M (Author), Pinto, L (Author), Pish, R (Author), Piyayotai, D (Author), Pluto, T (Author), Podgorski, G (Author), Pop, L (Author), Potemkin, V (Author), Pozzilli, P (Author), Prager, R (Author), Pramono, B (Author), Prawer, J (Author), Premchand, R (Author), Pretorius, M (Author), Purisch, S (Author), Queiros, J (Author), Ramoncito, H (Author), Rassi, N (Author), Rawls, R (Author), Rea, R (Author), Reddy, S (Author), Reed, J (Author), Reeves, M (Author), Reggiani, GM (Author), Remaud, P (Author), Rendell, M (Author), Rha, S (Author), Richards, R (Author), Richwine, R (Author), Ridderstrale, M (Author), Rigla, M (Author), Riley, E (Author), Riser, J (Author), Rita, H (Author), Roberson, K (Author), Roderos, O (Author), Rogado, C (Author), Rojas, WG (Author), Ronner, E (Author), Roodt, A (Author), Rosales, R (Author), Rosenfeld, J (Author), Rosenstock, J (Author), Rossolko, L (Author), Rothman, J (Author), Saban, J (Author), Sadhu, N (Author), Saksono, HD (Author), Salamon, C (Author), Salazar, MA (Author), Salgado, V (Author), Salles, JN (Author), Samoylov, O (Author), Sanchez, G (Author), Sandberg, M (Author), Sanders, D (Author), Santini, M (Author), Saraiva, J (Author), Satarasinghe, R (Author), Saxman, K (Author), Schaper, N (Author), Schear, M (Author), Scheen, A (Author), Schernthaner, G (Author), Schiff, E (Author), Schmid, H (Author), Schnack, C (Author), Scott, R (Author), Segura, J (Author), Seidman, B (Author), Seidner, M (Author), Selvanayagam, J (Author), Semplicini, A (Author), Seung, K (Author), Sgarbi, J (Author), Shah, S (Author), Shamanna, P (Author), Shandilya, L (Author), Shanik, M (Author), Shapiro, J (Author), Shepard, M (Author), Shin, M (Author), Shomali, M (Author), Silva, A (Author), Simpson, R (Author), Siswanto, B (Author), Sitar, S (Author), Siu, S (Author), Siyambalapitiya, S (Author), Skokowska, E (Author), Sofley, C (Author), Soldyshev, R (Author), Somasundaram, N (Author), Soria, MG (Author), Soufer, J (Author), Sparby, J (Author), Spyra, J (Author), St Amour, E (Author), Stedman, M (Author), Storms, G (Author), Strivay, M (Author), Stroger, JH (Author), Strout, C (Author), Suarez, C (Author), Suastika, K (Author), Sum, C (Author), Suwanwalaikorn, S (Author), Suzuki, A (Author), Sy, R (Author), Syed, M (Author), Szentpeteri, I (Author), Tabak, A (Author), Taddei, S (Author), Tahk, S (Author), Takahashi, H (Author), Takahashi, M (Author), Takenaka, T (Author), Tamas, G (Author), Tamayo, R (Author), Tan, G (Author), Tan, K (Author), Tan, R (Author), Tanggo, Y (Author), Tarasov, N (Author), Tarnow, L (Author), Teixeira, J (Author), Teltser, M (Author), Tentolouris, N (Author), Tiburcio, A (Author), Toledo, R (Author), Toplak, H (Author), Torres, CD (Author), Toscano, V (Author), Toural, E (Author), Trescoli, C (Author), Tsang, C (Author), Tseluyko, V (Author), Tusek, S (Author), Ubani, A (Author), Ulla, M (Author), Ullal, J (Author), Ur, E (Author), Urhammer, S (Author), Urina, M (Author), Uwaifo, G (Author), van Bemmel, T (Author), Van de Borne, P (Author), Van Gaal, L (Author), van Soest, J (Author), Van Zyl, L (Author), Vantroyen, D (Author), Varzic, SC (Author), Vawda, H (Author), Velazquez, F (Author), Velazquez, MV (Author), Velez, M (Author), Venter, T (Author), Vercammen, C (Author), Vereecken, G (Author), Verhoeven, R (Author), Vidal, J (Author), Viergever, P (Author), Virsaladze, D (Author), Voloshyna, O (Author), von Eynatten, M (Author), Vorokhobina, N (Author), Vryonidou, A (Author), Vykhovanyuk, I (Author), Wahlen, J (Author), Wahono, SD (Author), Wainstein, J (Author), Waitman, J (Author), Wakida, Y (Author), Waldron, M (Author), Wang, J (Author), Wanner, C (Author), Warren, M (Author), Wasserman, A (Author), Wehmeier, K (Author), Weiner, P (Author), Weinrauch, L (Author), Weiss, R (Author), Welch, M (Author), Wen, M (Author), Wilks, K (Author), Wittmer, B (Author), Woerle, HJ (Author), Wojnowski, L (Author), Woo, V (Author), Wood, J (Author), Wyatt, N (Author), Wysham, C (Author), Yakhontova, P (Author), Yang, J (Author), Yeh, H (Author), Yoon, J (Author), Zalevskaya, A (Author), Zanella, M (Author), Zaniewski-Singh, M (Author), Zaoui, P (Author), Zapata, L (Author), Zateyshchikov, D (Author), Zayour, D (Author), Zetu, C (Author), Zinman, B (Author), Zmuda, W (Author), Zotov, S (Author), Zwiers, G (Author)
Format: Article
Published: 2018
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