''Braceface'' is a Canadian-Chinese animated series produced by Nelvana Limited and Jade Animation (Shenzhen) Company, and was produced in association with Teletoon and Fox Family Channel for the first season. The show features actress Alicia Silverstone from the movie ''Clueless'' (who also voiced the titular character for the first two seasons) serving as executive producer. The episodes focus on the misadventures of Sharon Spitz, a high school student who often struggles with an unusual ability occurring in her braces, which often creates mishaps in her daily life. Although considered to be a trademark feature in the series, later episodes began to drop this narrative in favor of tackling real-world issues. Unlike most animated shows which take place in fictional cities or states, etc., this one takes place in the real-life town of Elkford, British Columbia. Provided by Wikipedia-
5by Rosa María Wong-Chew, René Farfán-Quiroz, José Luis Sánchez-Huerta, Margarita Nava-Frías, Jesús Casasola-Flores, José Ignacio Santos-PreciadoGet full text
Published 2010-12-01
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6by Changze Han, Jacklyn Johnson, Rentian Dong, Raghavendranath Kandula, Alexa Kort, Maria Wong, Tianbao Yang, Patrick J. Breheny, Grant D. Brown, Hillel HaimGet full text
Published 2020-06-01
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8by Jorge Alberto Acevedo-Murillo, Miguel Leonardo García León, Verónica Firo-Reyes, Jorge Luis Santiago-Cordova, Alejandra Pamela Gonzalez-Rodriguez, Rosa María Wong-ChewGet full text
Published 2019-11-01
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9by Joshua M Thurman, Maria Wong, Brandon Renner, Ashley Frazer-Abel, Patricia C Giclas, Melanie S Joy, Diana Jalal, Milena K Radeva, Jennifer Gassman, Debbie S Gipson, Frederick Kaskel, Aaron Friedman, Howard TrachtmanGet full text
Published 2015-01-01
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10by David S Shames, Luc Girard, Boning Gao, Mitsuo Sato, Cheryl M Lewis, Narayan Shivapurkar, Aixiang Jiang, Charles M Perou, Young H Kim, Jonathan R Pollack, Kwun M Fong, Chi-Leung Lam, Maria Wong, Yu Shyr, Rita Nanda, Olufunmilayo I Olopade, William Gerald, David M Euhus, Jerry W Shay, Adi F Gazdar, John D MinnaGet full text
Published 2006-12-01
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11by Blanca Taboada, Marco A Espinoza, Pavel Isa, Fernando E Aponte, María A Arias-Ortiz, Jesús Monge-Martínez, Rubén Rodríguez-Vázquez, Fidel Díaz-Hernández, Fernando Zárate-Vidal, Rosa María Wong-Chew, Verónica Firo-Reyes, Carlos N del Río-Almendárez, Jesús Gaitán-Meza, Alberto Villaseñor-Sierra, Gerardo Martínez-Aguilar, Ma del Carmen Salas-Mier, Daniel E Noyola, Luis F Pérez-Gónzalez, Susana López, José I Santos-Preciado, Carlos F AriasGet full text
Published 2014-01-01
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12by Rosa María Wong-Chew, Miguel L. García-León, Daniel E. Noyola, Luis F. Perez Gonzalez, Jesús Gaitan Meza, Alberto Vilaseñor-Sierra, Gerardo Martinez-Aguilar, Victor Hugo Rivera-Nuñez, Oscar A. Newton-Sánchez, Verónica Firo-Reyes, Carlos N. Del Río-Almendarez, Alejandra Pamela González-Rodríguez, Enrique R. Ortiz-García, Susana Navarrete-Navarro, Carmen Soria-Rodríguez, Adoniram Carrasco-Castillo, Eneida Sánchez-Medina, Irma López-Martínez, Teresa Hernández-Andrade, Celia M. Alpuche-Aranda, José I. Santos-PreciadoGet full text
Published 2017-09-01